Better place to live -- USA or Europe?

I love being American, we have a unique culture of god-knows-what melting-pot fat-selfish-pigtastic-yankee-cowboy-thug thing. It's like we are the future and everyone else is just slowly becoming us. It is impossible to argue against that second sentence if you check statistics on rising weight problem rates and mostly U.S. cultural influence on countries in the EU and Asia.

That being said I spend thousands of dollars every year visiting Europe and am going there for the 8th or 9th time this winter and actively lament all the cool shit you can do there that is hard to come by in the U.S. so who knows.

The U.S. dumps convenience on you with megamarts and Sunday hours (Europe needs to catch up on that and open stores on Sundays!), but European cities are much more compact and easy to get around in. And of course my two favorite music genres (metal and techno) are both appreciated in greater abundance (or so it seems) on the right hand side of the pond.
How the fuck can you have met more Brits than Europeans? That doesn't add up.

I mean what did you think Britain belonged to? Antarctica? :p

Brits tour America more often than other Europeans, duh. Of course Britain is geographically European, their implied separation is described below:

Only completely gay Atlanticist British people try and insinuate that the UK is separate from Europe.

There are cultural divides between the UK and mainland Europe but obviously we're in the continent (you can swim to France ffs).

If anything we're just more arrogant and elitist that the other Europeans.