Better place to live -- USA or Europe?

I back up what Onder has said. I visited Prague and Wroclaw (Breslau) in Poland and while the middle of the cities are nice and full of little shops, the periphery has the box stores.
America has a lot more religious nuts because of our history of being a breeding ground of hack "prophets". Evangelic Protestantism, Mormonism, the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostalism, etc. all have their roots (or at least a great deal of development) in America. I imagine that in rural Europe, you'll still find a lot of fundamentalist Christians like you do pretty much anywhere else in the western world, including America.
Don't even think about owning a home anywhere near a city in Europe. That's what happens when people get packed in like sardines

That's not my experience, here it's no problem to own a large house or estate just 15-20 minutes outside of any town. Perhaps it's because Sweden/Norway/Finland all have lower population densities than the US, and certainly lower than continental Europe or the UK. On the other hand most of our cities may not be as respectable as many cities in mainland Europe or the US. Moreover, it IS pretty fucking expensive to buy a house or even a flat in a city like Stockholm. You can probably get two houses where I live for the expense of one small house there.
This point is absurd imo. You still have to travel similar distances to get from one point with snowy hill to another with sunny beach, it's just that it's in the same country. It doesn't really matter if you know what I mean.

Well some states vary, i.e. California.
Well, one argument for having huge geographic diversity within your country is not having to go to other countries. I recall a while back on another forum there was an argument that Americans aren't as well traveled as Europeans because of some statistic of the number of Americans with a passport. Compare the American number to the number of Europeans that have gone outside of Europe and you'd have a much more accurate comparison as traveling across Europe is the equivalent of traveling across the states...

Yes, craft an argument that blatantly discriminates against the large country =P
I'd live in the US over Europe any day of the week, sorry. Better job opportunities. The ability to get away from people. Ability to own my own land in large quantities without paying out of my asshole.

I'll take that over socialized medicine and fantastic public transport.


Honestly, as soon as I'm done my degree I'm going to try and find a job in Washington or Oregon. Or maybe NorCal.
How does pointing out your obvious try-hard make me autistic? :lol:

Not all Christians are bad, kid. They're people like you and I. SOME of them may not be the most pleasant people to be around, but guess what, that's life. You gotta be around people you dislike at some point in your life champ, no need to moan and be a piss-pants over it. :lol:
Well, one argument for having huge geographic diversity within your country is not having to go to other countries. I recall a while back on another forum there was an argument that Americans aren't as well traveled as Europeans because of some statistic of the number of Americans with a passport. Compare the American number to the number of Europeans that have gone outside of Europe and you'd have a much more accurate comparison as traveling across Europe is the equivalent of traveling across the states...

Yes, craft an argument that blatantly discriminates against the large country =P

You sure about that? I'm from a working class family and at age 19 I've been to Africa twice, Australasia once and Asia twice.
How does pointing out your obvious try-hard make me autistic? :lol:

Not all Christians are bad, kid. They're people like you and I. SOME of them may not be the most pleasant people to be around, but guess what, that's life. You gotta be around people you dislike at some point in your life champ, no need to moan and be a piss-pants over it. :lol:

I simply want to be around people who aren't complete fucking morons. You don't have to be an obnoxious little shit to get your point across either.