Beyond Good and Evil

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Hey Blitzy, I bought this one on the weekend. It is freakin awesome. Seriouisly, you should pick it up if you havnt played it. I got it for $39 on XBOX which is a bargain cause it is one of the most original and fun games I have ever played. Graphics are awesome, but the storyline is the real winner. I am about 5 hours into it and am beggining to use stealth mode a bit. It is fun to take photos of the animals and shit to sell. The whole game rocks.

Go get it :headbang:
The guy on my couch bought this over the weekend. It's pretty good

Blitzy, it's like zelda, but with an annoying texan pig, and instead of a boat, you have a hovercraft. The graphics are cool, it's made by the same guys who made prince of persia. Plus, it's only 50 bucks new.
Damn straight!
The hovercraft is cool, but later on in the game you get a spaceship. I havnt got it yet, but I have been given the plans to it and a map locating it.

Yeah, I would say that this and Prince of Persia are the best games that I own on XBOX.
Deus Ex, Streetfighter 2, Castlevania 4 and Symphony Of The Night are all as good as Zelda!
Lies. They are so. Easily. Deus Ex is much better than Goldeneye. I swear you look at everything through rose coloured glasses Blitzy!
No sir. Goldeneye is one of the most popular games ever, how can you say I only like it because it was a Nintendo exclusive. Best FPS ever. Awesome. Ocarina is the best Adventure game ever, and Mario 64 is the best 3D platformer ever. Best 2D platformer would go to either Super Metroid or Symphony Of The Night. Other games rounding out my personal top 5 or so would be Bubble Bobble for best arcade (neck and neck with the Metal Slug series), and GTA:Vice City. Street Fighter Alpha is good too. See, I don't just like Nintendo games, I like good games, and Nintendo make good games. Rock. Goldeneye isn't even a Nintendo made game anyway. :p
Blitzkrieg said:
No sir. Goldeneye is one of the most popular games ever, how can you say I only like it because it was a Nintendo exclusive. Best FPS ever. Awesome. Ocarina is the best Adventure game ever, and Mario 64 is the best 3D platformer ever. Best 2D platformer would go to either Super Metroid or Symphony Of The Night. Other games rounding out my personal top 5 or so would be Bubble Bobble for best arcade (neck and neck with the Metal Slug series), and GTA:Vice City. Street Fighter Alpha is good too. See, I don't just like Nintendo games, I like good games, and Nintendo make good games. Rock. Goldeneye isn't even a Nintendo made game anyway. :p
Well, theres a lot wrong with that. Firstly, I didnt say you only liked Goldeneye because it was a Nintendo exclusive, so I dont know where you got that from... Im sure you will say that wasnt your point though :loco:

Deus Ex is a better game than Goldeneye, thats what I said. Just because Goldeneye is more popular means nothing. It had national tv ads running to sell it, of course it sold more. Goldeneye is brilliant, Deus Ex is better.

Best 2d platformer could be one of many. Super Mario World, Castlevania 4, Symphony Of The Night, Super Mario 3, Metal Slug, Sonic 1, id go with Symphony Of The Night personally, but all the ones I mentioned are equally as good.

Bubble Bobble as best arcade game is ridiculous. Streetfighter 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona USA, Sega Rally, NBA Jam, Smash TV, Samurai Showdown, Streetfighter 3, Virtua On, the list is endless. Bubble Bobble my ass. Theres no way that is the best arcade game ever.
Played BG&E for a few more hours last night. I would have to say that it is up there within the top 5 games ever on my list. It is seriously awesome and cheap as. The stealthy missions are fuckin awesome. Its cool cause it is a serious game but has lots of humour in the way the characters are presented and act. Even the bad guys who are sposed to be evil are a crackup. Its funny to sneak up on them in stealth mode and just watch them.
spawn said:
Well, theres a lot wrong with that. Firstly, I didnt say you only liked Goldeneye because it was a Nintendo exclusive, so I dont know where you got that from... Im sure you will say that wasnt your point though :loco:
What did you mean by this comment then:
spawn said:
I swear you look at everything through rose coloured glasses Blitzy!.
spawn said:
Deus Ex is a better game than Goldeneye, thats what I said. Just because Goldeneye is more popular means nothing. It had national tv ads running to sell it, of course it sold more. Goldeneye is brilliant, Deus Ex is better..
I agree about the popularity thing, but Goldeneye is still better. Best gameplay in a FPS ever. Rock.
spawn said:
Best 2d platformer could be one of many. Super Mario World, Castlevania 4, Symphony Of The Night, Super Mario 3, Metal Slug, Sonic 1, id go with Symphony Of The Night personally, but all the ones I mentioned are equally as good.
I will agree about adding Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World to the list, and perhaps Metal Slug as well. Super Metroid slays them all, though. Rock.
spawn said:
Bubble Bobble as best arcade game is ridiculous. Streetfighter 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona USA, Sega Rally, NBA Jam, Smash TV, Samurai Showdown, Streetfighter 3, Virtua On, the list is endless. Bubble Bobble my ass. Theres no way that is the best arcade game ever.
That one was more just my opinion hehe, but yeah, I agree about some of those. Bubble Bobble, Daytona USA, Streetfighter Alpha, Metal Slug, and perhaps NBA Jam. Rock.
I meant you remember things being better than they are (specifically with Goldeneye) thats all, it IS a fantastic game, but its been beaten by Deus Ex, and maybe Half Life as well.

I played Super Metroid but didnt get too far into it, I liked it, but much prefer Castlevania 4 and SOTN. Oh and I just remembered, Super Contra 3 on Super Nintendo (I think it was called Probotector here) is a brilliant 2d game as well!

Alright, just as long as you never claim fucking Bubble Bobble is the best arcade game ever again we will be fine ;) :)
I still go back and play Goldeneye, and it still kicks more arse than anything released to date. I even prefer it over Metroid Prime, and that is saying ALOT, as I think Metroid Prime is one of the best games (if not THE best game) of this generation. Goldeneye is the shit. Best gameplay, best multiplayer, awesome missions, awesome music, excellent graphics for the time and still looks alright despite its age. Rock.

Contra games are indeed rockin, but I think I prefer Metal Slug.

Bubble Bobble is a CLASSIC. Respect.
I like Metal Slug better too, they are fantastic, but Contra 3 kicks maximus ass.
My 7 & 10 Year olds are playing Vice City now(ps2) and they always seem to have the V-Rock radio station playing .... its so nice to hear BARK AT THE MOON ...............