Sep 5, 2009
Welcome to Beyond!

Beyond - the Official Threshold Fan Club

After a certain amount of discussion, including consulting with fans, Beyond has been born, the Official Treshold Fan Club (on MySpace)

The objective of Beyond is to try and give fans a little bit extra, some background information that you won’t find in the regular website news or in the music press, all this supported with some commentary from the band themselves.

And to do this a regular magazine in the form of a MySpace blog will be produced.

The first issue is ready to read and we are looking forward to all your comments either posted on the blogs themselves or to us at Or discuss them here! We also want your ideas for future articles and maybe you want to write something to share?

So why not go Beyond right now? Go to have a look around and locate the blog on the right hand side of the page (just below the tour dates section)

Select "View All Blog Entries" and you can read Issue 1 as one document

Issue 1 Contents

Shadowland - the story so far
Damian Wilson
Damian Interview
Richard West's keyboards
Three tracks explored
Post Script

We really do want to hear your thoughts - and don't forget to add us as a MySpace friend


You can definitely see some effort went into this! Awesome concept and great writing!

As for future content, where there is the story on Shadowland now, you could put in a returning something on the side-projects of the different bandmembers; Kyrbgrinder, Soliloquy, Headspace, etc. And there'll be enough to write about in 3 months time with Threshold being in the studio/writing the new album and the tour just having finished.

Looking forward to the 2nd issue already! Good job!
Great idea! What about "reissuing" the articles of the Devoted magazine, as long as the previous entries of the tour and studio diaries - that were absolutely enthralling, and sometimes hilarious!

Now that I've finished reading, well, I'm absolutely happy of the content, and a couple more suggestions for future issues came to my mind.
When I used to have a lot of free time (which means no band, no girlfriend/wife, no home duties 'cos I was still home with my parents, no work) I used to gather Threshold material (interviews, setlists and gig reviews, rare stuff and so) in a large website called Light and Space. Of course, now I have very short free time but I'd love to made that stuff available for the readers of Beyond (my old website is no longer accessible).
So, the things that I'd love to see on Beyond (and probably a lot of others would) are:
- the Clone story, which explains much better the flowing of the songs on the album.
- some demos (as in the multimedia section of Critical Mass) to show the progression of the songs in the transition to the album versions
- alternate/unused version of the album covers (again, as in the multimedia section of CM)
- a sort of "best of" of the tour stories. Having read the previous diaries, you should have no problem in finding appealing accidents in the past 20 years! :D

And yet, I particularly enjoyed the home-made video in which the band plays Critical Mass part III - Lucky at Thin Ice, which was just a hidden extra: can we have some more? :D

P.S.: Hint - add the Net Version of Freaks to the Beyond myspace player! ;)
Thanks, it's great to have an official fan club presence on MySpace. The band is excited about this new project and hope to help Beyond deliver more articles in the future on subjects that just wouldn't fit anywhere else.

Thanks for your comments. We have a lot of content mapped out for the future and as you say the other side projects are logical directions to go in.

Issue two is roughly planned already and will hopefully contain just as much interest as you got out of this one. There is no doubt we will be pestering the band for some inside news on their future plans and if we get anything it will be included. That will always be a little tough given the timescales we are operating under but we'll try.

As you have mentioned them, do you (and anyone else reading) have a particular interest in Kyrbgrinder, Soliloquy, Headspace et al? Do you have any comments about the Live Reckoning times? (and, in time, the Essence of Progression?)

We will happily read anything fans want to present - we can edit, enhance and include official pics, and use it for a future article. No promises though! And it doesn't have to be an article - we'll happily receive any comments at all to the email address below. For an example, have a look at the quote from Damian at the end of the article about him - that's just the sort of thing you could share with other readers.


Beyond and don't forget to add us as a MySpace friend

Thanks for your list of ideas - again we have a lot planned already ourselves but there is some great stuff in that list! Email us at the address below if there is something you want to contribute - and we are in this for the long game so it doesn't all need to come at once! As said elsewhere we can edit, enhance and add pics. We can use the smallest idea as a springboard or look at something fuller.

Just so you know, the songs on the player have been picked to reflect the tracks in focus in this issue. They are set to random play so you should get a different treat each time you visit!


I will get back to you via email as soon as I have some time to gather stuff and ideas ;)

One more thing: what about creating a gallery for each period on the fanclub myspace? Fans would send the pics (live, offstage, etc.) and you would upload the most significant ones. Of course, a pre-debut gallery is nearly compulsory! :D
^ No it's not. 'Significant' pictures for example could mean Karl Groom jamming with Dream Theater. But that picture could be really dark and grainy therefore not of good quality. I would not include this picture in the gallery no matter how significant it is.
^ No it's not. 'Significant' pictures for example could mean Karl Groom jamming with Dream Theater. But that picture could be really dark and grainy therefore not of good quality. I would not include this picture in the gallery no matter how significant it is.

But you would agree with me that for the older days (in particular) the pics are rarely "good" but often "significant"... that's what I meant :Smug:
I will get back to you via email as soon as I have some time to gather stuff and ideas ;)

One more thing: what about creating a gallery for each period on the fanclub myspace? Fans would send the pics (live, offstage, etc.) and you would upload the most significant ones. Of course, a pre-debut gallery is nearly compulsory! :D

No rush! We won't be uploading a second issue for a while yet (and the new release coming, as well as Essence of Progression, should be enough to be getting on with!)

As discussed in the other thread, the photo archive is a very interesting idea. I can forsee some MySpace related mechanical problems that would need to be resolved first but that doesn't rule it out.

Ideas probably fall into two categories
- articles etc. for future issues (i.e. the blog)
- enhancements to the MySpace page (e.g. picture archive and the new avatar which will be uploaded very soon)
and whilst we have loads of our own, your thoughts may help determine priorities or even find a new idea.

Keep on posting any thoughts - we are open to criticism too! (but please try to be constructive)

If you don't want to comment in public then email and we will reply directly.


I will soon send you some things to be (hopefully!) published in the future issues, taken from my, err, archive, that can be interesting to anyone, especially those who joined this forum in the last 6-7 years (that means: they haven't seen them yet, probably).

Another thing that worked out fine is the forum-interviews-the-bandmember, it would be great to have one per issue.

Last but not least: please, call it "good photos archive", otherwise someone could complain! :D
I particularly enjoyed the home-made video in which the band plays Critical Mass part III - Lucky at Thin Ice, which was just a hidden extra: can we have some more? :D

Yes, I agree with LavagesOfTime: definitely more of these!

I also like the idea of an extensive photo-gallery - but don't think they should all be "good quality" in terms of geeky photographer's opinion, but simply interesting (and maybe funny) to look at. As the site says, something you wouldn't necessarily find somewhere else.
An older thread on this forum with shots of the very early Threshold days springs to mind. :)

But it's a really great site already, and very interesting first blog.
I don't really use a MySpace profile, so I hope to be kept updated on this forum, whenever there is a new blog, instead of subscribing to it?

@FG: I should still have this interview with Metal Cast & R. West. What should I do with it then? Can we upload our own stuff somehow somewhere?