And here is the Progpower Europe 2008 setlist

We are going to be usng the next week or so to concentrate on finishing issue three - aiming for the end of the month - so won't be responding to emails etc. until mid February

Please keep sending any EOP pics and especially set list pics. We will also be announcing two more galleries with Issue Three...


I noticed the album covers on the gallery, in my opinion: a fan club should feature every release (including the singles) so to have a complete overview. I think I can provide all of the others (but you can, too ;) ), pluas the covers should be reorganized in chronological order (there's a proper button on the edit photos page).
There shouldn't be any album covers in the gallery - they can be found (in a logical order, which involves some chronology) on the Beyond MySpace front page

The pics you saw are purely used for populating the blogs and something must have been wrong with the MySpace view peferences - that's now fixed so the only galleries that should be viewable are now

Band Header
EoP by Margaritka, Miranda Bril, Astrid, Iris,
Set List Archive

Aside from the galleries above (and the couple of new ones coming) the rest are purely for our own use and aren't managed in any way so are set to private view - but everything we have is available somewhere on the MySpace page, be it a gallery, a blog or the front page.