Beyond is very much a separate entity from the band - obviously with their help to unlock all the extras we hope to make available. But separate nonetheless, and not written by Richard unlike much of the web based Threshold info.

Your comment about photos, I presume you mean of the band. Beyond doesn't plan to have these - pics of the current band don't really fit with the Beyond ethos of "something extra" and fit more tidily with the pages ( Any galleries we have will be fan type ones (we will be announcing the first of these in the forseeable future) or wil go back in time

It isn't a matter of not being bothered with programming - to integrate Beyond with the posed a number of problems - and I can assure you the Beyond MySpace needed lots of bother!

Please remember - Beyond is not Threshold. Threshold still has its own MySpace page. Beyond is the Threshold fan cub and continues to aim to give that little bit extra. It is still a fairly new concept but just think of it as going beyond Threshold as you know it. We won't just tell you what you already know, we will aim to go Beyond.

If anyone else has queries or ideas post here or let us know at the email in the signature. We really want to know!!!
Your comment about photos, I presume you mean of the band. Beyond doesn't plan to have these - pics of the current band don't really fit with the Beyond ethos of "something extra" and fit more tidily with the pages ( Any galleries we have will be fan type ones (we will be announcing the first of these in the forseeable future) or wil go back in time

Actually, what I meant was photos of the band past and present. Live, studio, promotional, etc. Not just photos taken by someone in the audience with their cell phone, but rather quality (professional, if you will) shots. But stuff like photos of fans bumping into the guys, at aftershows, etc. would obviously be most fitting on your page.

Please remember - Beyond is not Threshold. Threshold still has its own MySpace page.

Ah - here is where I was mistaken. I thought that your MySpace page was the band's MySpace page (even if you are a separate entity). My mistake. Can you tell I rarely if ever visit MySpace? :p
There are lots of pro shots on the gallery link I posted earlier - all accessible on There are also a large number of pics that have been referenced on these pages with access to various photo hosting sites.

But for Beyond/Threshold MySpace it is as different as markets and meerkats (that will probably only mean something to UK readers)

As said before MySpace isn't everyone's cup of tea - but there are thousands of people using it all the time so it appears to be the next best thing to having a section of The benefit you get from being on MySpace yourself (as a "friend" of a site) is the notification of updates to any part of the sites, be it pics, blogs or gigs.
Our experience so far is that very few of the so called "hot chicks" have been in touch

But on the positive, we are nearly at 3000 profile views, we have 1337 friends and Issue One has over 600 views. So I guess we can survive without the "hot chicks" for now!
Essence of Progression has now come to an end - we will be posting a review of one gig (as that's all we have been sent so far) soon.

Have you been to an Essence of Progression gig? Let us know your experience that you might want to share with others. It doesn't have to be long and don't worry about how its written. Use the email below if you want to submit something - we would love to share it!

There is obviously going to be a lot written on here but we don't intend to just quote from a forum - we would like some of your thoughts for ourselves (and the growing number of Beyond readers)

We are also still looking for pictures from Essence of Progression to place in galleries on the MySpace pages. We would like a few of each band member and anything a bit different - but submitted by fans. We also only intend to show off pictures if we have the takers permission so if you are happy to let us share your work, email us to let us know (including some pics) or point us in the direction of where they are hosted. We won't use anything if we don't have permission emailed to us or posted on here!

And most of all please keep sharing them all on here - it's great fun looking through it all!



Above is a link to the start of our galleries

But we need more!

We would like to get pics from all the Essence of Progression dates. We won't use a pic without permission so let us know if we can use yours (if you have posted pics on here and haven't heard from us then please check your forum mail as we should have sent you a message)

Our new gallery is for set lists from ALL Threshold gigs. We know they're out there so please send us the pics or links - pics to and links to either there or a PM on here


Now there have to be more set lists out there - if you know someone that has one then put them in touch with us!!!

We have uploaded a lot of pictures to our Essence of Progression galleries - we have aimed to show all band members at all venues as well as the odd different pic. But some venues are yet to be seen - London, Reichenbach, Munich, Pratteln and Bielefeld (but we don't mind being sent more from Essen, Aschaffenberg, Verviers, Zoetermeer and Wroclaw)

But if you have taken pics please let us show others - we will only do so with your permission so if you have uploaded them somewhere (including posting on here) then please get in touch - PM on here, message via MySpace or

On other matters, we are looking forward to the Damian Wilson Band playing this weekend and are putting the finishing touches to Beyond issue 2. We will be launching some more fan galleries as time goes on, but that probably won't be until after the next issue has landed


I have often read that Threshold used to play songs from Ratt and Testament in their early years... well, on those setlists I have seen songs ffrom most of the hard rock bands form the 80s but there's no Ratt at all - and apparently no Testament, either!

Wildflower should have worked great as set opener, indeed.
Wildflower is one of those tracks that works at any place in the set!!! I used to have a pic disc of it but a "friend" forgot to give it back!

I can 100% guarantee that "Back For More" by Ratt was played more than once. I remember at the time thinking it was a new Threshold song as it really fitted to their sound at the time (and I didn't know it) so that suggests it was played around the time they were nearly playing a full Threshold set (that is, by then loads of new self penned tracks had been played, with a new song appearing almost every gig)

I never heard them play a Testament track and believe that Testament were an influence at most - I am pretty sure Jon was into them
I am pretty sure Jon was into them

It was actually Karl and especially Nick, as far as I know

I think I just found out where the "Ratt & Testament" thing comes out from: this excerpt of an interview with Richard seems to clear things up: "'Yeah, well we started in 1988 and since then did loads of pub gigs,' begins Rich West by narrating the band's story to date. 'We played metal in the style of Ratt or Testament'"
It was actually Karl and especially Nick, as far as I know

I think I just found out where the "Ratt & Testament" thing comes out from: this excerpt of an interview with Richard seems to clear things up: "'Yeah, well we started in 1988 and since then did loads of pub gigs,' begins Rich West by narrating the band's story to date. 'We played metal in the style of Ratt or Testament'"

It is also a misquote on wikipedia, home of a million mistakes!
Nice entry, once again. I think the Transformers-related questions to Pete came from me. :D

Pete, give the new line toys a chance - I was skeptic just like you, but I the found out they are brilliant and the engineering work is often astonishing! Plus give a look to the new Universe line - they are redoing the g1 charachters with a mor modern approach but the original feel!

"just how do you say Boerderij?" -> this made me rolling on the floor laughing, I know how unpredictably it is spoken! :lol: