Big 4 Poll

Best Big 4 Band

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I think the problem with Anthrax is you just can't take them seriously like the rest of them. They're more like a good times, having a laugh type band and I think it shows through in their music That's not a bad thing, but as has been said before they're not a band you would listen to all the time.
The best concert ive ever been to was anthrax at the astoria in london. Never had as much fun, got as drunk, and sang as loud. good times!
The one that started it all, the Ginger Ninja himself: Dave Mustaine & Megadeth
He practically invented it
I love how Anthrax have hardly any votes haha
The Big Four should've been: Megadeth, Testament, Exodus and Slayer
Metallica should never have been part of the big four anyway. Anthrax, if they hadn't been so bad since the end of the 80s, would deserve their place. Now, i ain't so sure.

Slayerhave lost it, Megadeth are (somewhat) treading water... the only thrash band that haven't fucked up their status are Testament.
I'm afraid i must disagree with you there. i enjoy warbringer as much as i do Evile. as a side note i think my favorite of the NWOTM is Gama Bomb.
does anyone remember Deadfall? that was the first one i came in contact with.
but yeah, i'll agree to warpath. maybe Violator?
I really can't see why everyone likes Warbringer so much - their riffs, bar the intro to Road Warrior, are dull as hell and get boring really quickly. The vocals are deafeningly stale and their tone on their albums sucks.

Violator is still one I'm yet to check out, I never got around to buying their album. Deadfall are almost legendary though.
i know. they were my favorite for a long time. to bad they broke up.

i kinda see warbringer as the slayer of the new generation. not to diverse, but brutal as hell.