Big Lebowski on 4/20


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
It's nice to live in San Francisco.

Not only do we get all the great shows, creative art, fantastic music and scenery, air, and women, but every 4/20, the tiny and fiercely independent Red Vic Movie House on Haight Street plays The Big Lebowski.

I haven't yet gone, but I have friends that have. They said they were nervous going in, as they weren't sure if you could smoke inside. Everyone was a bit anxious, as the rules weren't set in stone. Before the movie started, one of the managers came up on stage before everyone in their seats, and proudly stated "We don't care what you do, just don't burn the seats."

And the peasants rejoiced.

*shrugs* I went to a showing at The Trocadero in Philly. Free White Russians, raffles and a costume contest. It was like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. We were all yelling out the lines.
They have a Big Lebowski Fest like every year around the country.
Mostly in L.A. at the bowling alley where they filmed the movie.
You should go, from what I hear its pretty kick ass. But from what I know, which is pretty much everything I've previously stated... So it could suck butt.
Man I've never even seen this movie haha. I should change that. I wonder if they'll do this anywhere around here.

Autechre this weekend, Testament twice in a row last, BOC two weeks ago, Ministry/Meshuggah two nights ago, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum constantly, Symphony X and the Sword later this month, Candlemass next month, Forbidden/Death Angel twice in a row last month, Earth, Wolves in the Throne Room in June, At the Gates in July, Three Doors down next month, Avril Levagina, Mandonna, AC/DShe.... Oh you like festivals? Shall I go on? I can :headbang: :kickass: