Biggest ProgPower Mistakes


Sep 13, 2003
Mine was missing Mercenary and Rage! I saw part of both of their sets, but I wasn't familiar with the music of either band. With Mercenary, I had just gotten to the Earthlink venue, and since it was the first ProgPower I had been to, I was so overwhelmed with everything going on that I wound up missing much of Mercenary's set. I liked what I saw and after I heard "11 Dreams" I really felt like a moron for not getting there sooner. I tried to console myself last week by buying "Everblack" - thinking that maybe the material they were supporting during their ProgPower appearance wasn't nearly as good as "11 Dreams." Wrong! I still prefer "11 Dreams" but "Everblack" rocks hard as well! Dammit!!!! As for Rage, I caught part of their set as well but I was extremely tired so I didn't hang around for long. A friend recently showed me part of their recent DVD, and maaaaan...another mistake.
Missing Rage was a mistake but I couldn't justify the money for the rest of the bill other than Nightwish. If the lineup is filled with Prog stuff, I can't make the 12 hour trip.
hehehe Missing my connecting Flight in Jersey last year ... ended up 45 mins late and Completely Missing Into Eternity!!! that pissed me off! hahaha I was Really lookin forward to them!
I was sick towards the end of PPIII from all the rain and opted to hit the sack instad of watch Angra. But had a long drive ahed of me the next day.

For Symphony X @ PPIV it was so damn loud we all left after 4-5 songs.

For Rage we were all freezing our asses off so we left after 3-4 tunes as well.
My biggest mistake was not flogging everyone who missed Rage at PP IV. What an amazing set. I think bands who come over here from Europe should consider asking to be on the NEXT to last set though, since alot of people fade out by then. Another huge mistake I made was not attending PP1. Destiny's End (R.I.P.) and Onward would've been great to see, but then that venue in Chicago is not so good, but I definately understand Glenn had to start somewhere.

Ruthven said:
Mine was missing Mercenary and Rage! I saw part of both of their sets, but I wasn't familiar with the music of either band. With Mercenary, I had just gotten to the Earthlink venue, and since it was the first ProgPower I had been to, I was so overwhelmed with everything going on that I wound up missing much of Mercenary's set. I liked what I saw and after I heard "11 Dreams" I really felt like a moron for not getting there sooner. I tried to console myself last week by buying "Everblack" - thinking that maybe the material they were supporting during their ProgPower appearance wasn't nearly as good as "11 Dreams." Wrong! I still prefer "11 Dreams" but "Everblack" rocks hard as well! Dammit!!!! As for Rage, I caught part of their set as well but I was extremely tired so I didn't hang around for long. A friend recently showed me part of their recent DVD, and maaaaan...another mistake.
Missing most of Into Eternity's set because of my friend and his mother who delayed the trip and missing part of Blind Guardian's set during PP III (I was busy talking to Edu and Fabio from Angra)...
Hmm. Gotta think hard for this:

PARKING! Not finding good parking ahead of time at PP3.

POP TARTS! Man... from now on, keeping a pack of Pop Tarts in the back pocket. Maybe a Snickers as well.

Leaving early and missing most of Angra. Sorry, but I just got too tired and didn't know ANY of the new Angra material, and they didn't capture my attention. By all standards, I shoulda loved their show. This year, I'll make sure I know their material ahead of time.

WASTING TIME TAKING SHITTY PICTURES OF BRAINSTORM! Fuck my camera! This year, I'ma leave the camera behind and spend more time exercizing my neck, damnit!

Not making a buncha FUCK IVAN t-shirts and selling em for $5 each! People wanted my Sharpie Marker Custom Special! I coulda been RICH!

Not finding the bar which had Coors Light stocked until the LAST NIGHT last year! Nobody told us we had options beside Miller Lite!
I think getting there on the afternoon of the first night the last two progpowers. It meant I had to leave very early as I come from out west. I get tired by the end of the first night both years. I recommend having the extra cash for one extra night even if not attending prefest.

I do agree that the Euro bands might prefer to be on 2nd from last. I hated not being so much into Rage.

A minor complaint was getting to the tad morose autograph line a minute too late. I really wanted to meet them again as they were cool at milwaukee metalfest and I had told them that they would go over well in atlanta.
Saving General Zod's seats during Wuthering Heights' set at Progpower V. He took off shortly into the set after asking me to save his seats and then never came back. I had to fend off 4 people while sitting alone and then finally gave up. I went and caught him eating and relaxing at the bar. He then said, "well Dark One if it makes you feel any better..... I felt bad about it".

LOL. Sorry Zod, last time I relay that story on UM I promise. :lol:
Dark One said:
Saving General Zod's seats during Wuthering Heights' set at Progpower V. He took off shortly into the set after asking me to save his seats and then never came back. I had to fend off 4 people while sitting alone and then finally gave up. I went and caught him eating and relaxing at the bar. He then said, "well Dark One if it makes you feel any better..... I felt bad about it".

LOL. Sorry Zod, last time I relay that story on UM I promise. :lol:

The fact that you had to sit through Wuthering Heights was a double whammy. :loco:
My regret was not having ear plugs for the Symphony X set. My gawd that was brutal and I had the wonderful "ringing ears" phenomenon for a couple days afterward.

Now I travel with two pairs of them because I NEVER want to be without them!
BABS said:
My regret was not having ear plugs for the Symphony X set. My gawd that was brutal and I had the wonderful "ringing ears" phenomenon for a couple days afterward.

Now I travel with two pairs of them because I NEVER want to be without them!

As soon as I saw you posting in this thread, I would have SWORN you were going to say "The Party". hehehe


That too Kez! Too bad I didn't have the guts to say "The party's next door" and have some other unsuspecting bastard contend with it (ha ha).
tattooedsean666 said:
I think getting there on the afternoon of the first night the last two progpowers. It meant I had to leave very early as I come from out west. I get tired by the end of the first night both years. I recommend having the extra cash for one extra night even if not attending prefest.

My friends and I are coming from Los Angeles and are getting out there on Tuesday to begin the party at Embassy Suites in Buckhead.....the same as we did for ppIV
At PP IV I was torn between DJing a wedding fo $400 or going the second night to the show. I really liked Rage and Secret Sphere, but I couldn't pass up $400 for them. So I went to DJ the wedding. I NEVER GOT FUCKING PAID for the wedding. I considered going to court for the money, but I would have just about broke even. I thought about suing for "pain and suffering" of missing Rage. Never again!