Billy how is

Constipated Monkey

New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2004
the move to Texas going? What prompted you to move there? Any new bands that you are producing that we should check out? Also what are your feelings on the new Michael Moore film???? I am not a Bush supporter in the least(it is my right to dissent and everyone elses also) also I can't stand Kerry he won't do a better job either but I would like to hear your opinion and I am not going to bash anyones opinion if they don't jibe with mine. I personally would love to see McCain as president and this is coming from a democrat. He is just a bad motherfucker...What do you think?
have you thought about replacing scott and charline with some of the talented musicians in the world , to reform SOD ? and for all the people who say "it wont be the same without scott and charline" i say yeah yeah yeah whatever, there are plenty of bands in the world who have replaced members and gone on to bigger and better things.shit, SOD was one of my biggest influences growing up........... god damn it I want to see that shit again before i die.
Constipated Monkey said:
the move to Texas going? What prompted you to move there? Any new bands that you are producing that we should check out?

I am moving to texas because I have friends thereand my bass player lives in Austin, where I am going. Drummer lives in vegas which is a hop and a skip from there. COst of living is insane in NY so I am outta here in august.
I am going to be producing and performing. I am also going to kill the goonie!! Check out my website. Go to BUzzard inc. then go to the studio report. That is what I am currently producing.

Also what are your feelings on the new Michael Moore film????
He is a fat rich liberal piece if shit. Hows that review!!!!

I am not a Bush supporter in the least(it is my right to dissent and everyone elses also) also I can't stand Kerry

Kerry winning will open America up for more attacks. He is a bad Idea

I personally would love to see McCain as president and this is coming from a democrat. He is just a bad motherfucker--- he sucks, bad idea.

I personally would like to see someone with balls enough to fight terrorism.
Attack Iran and destroy it. Close our boarders- Tell france and Germany to fuck off- make a national ID card- Make a real tax reform bill. MAke welfare workfare and when people criticize him he say straight to their faces. TOUGH! But unfortunately I can't run I am not old enough! YET!!!
Tell you what....When you can run make me your campaign manager and
I'll get you enough votes to take the presidency (Trust me)

In turn once you're in throw me a pardon after I introduce michael moore to the concept of "Fist Banging Mania" and we'll call it even. I mean hell if clinton can pardon drug dealers, you should be able to hook me up.
Thats cool, I agree with Old School headbanger on the SOD issue(well I don't think its an issue) because so many bands are doing that. I mean look at Helmet he is got everyone but the original members in it(Page also stole Frank hehehe). YOU are SOD and there are plenty of people that can play in the same style....I mean I really liked Scott and Charlies playing on those albums but the main reason I listen to SOD is because of your vocals and lyrics so in essence if you get Danny back and scout out some other heavy hitters I am sure that the same people who bought the previous efforts would buy your new one..I am not sure if I am the only one who thinks this way aside from Old school Headbanger but I would sure as hell buy it.