Bitch about Work thread..

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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Not sure if this has been done, but, I have had a really f'up day.

My bitch is this:
People that roll along and make things seem like they are going good, then, at the f'ing deadline of a project, change all rules, deliverables, etc.

Dammit, I have been on site at two different locations in the last month, and they both have fucked me blindsided. I thought everything was good, and then had my manager call me saying things were totally fucked up.

I am held responsible, no one else. Love this shit.

Let's hear Yours.....
My work sucked until they promoted me. Now I just make other people's experiences there suck.
Well, I had a promo also. Got into management. It's really not all that much different. Just held alot more accountable.

BTW, glad to hear the promo for you... Hopes it lots more $$$.
It DOES suck that I'm responsible for all the alcohol in the building. If we run out of something, it's my fault, I'm blamed for messing up the order, then people bitch that I don't know what I'm doing, etc. etc... when it's actually because it was ordered 3 weeks ago and the liquor supplier lost the shipment. This has happened 3 times already.
It DOES suck that I'm responsible for all the alcohol in the building. If we run out of something, it's my fault, I'm blamed for messing up the order, then people bitch that I don't know what I'm doing, etc. etc... when it's actually because it was ordered 3 weeks ago and the liquor supplier lost the shipment. This has happened 3 times already.
Can you write up the people that are bitching?
I'm a sales associate. I am NOT:

-A credit specialist. I cannot discuss the details of your credit account with you, because again, I am not a credit specialist and I have no access to such information. I can give you the number to the credit department where you can speak with someone who can answer your questions, but after I give you this number, please stop asking me questions about your account.
-A personal stylist. Maybe if the management staffed the store a little better then I could doll you up real nice, but as you can see, I've got other people to wait on.
-An idiot. You think I'm going to let you return a watch to me that you bought 2 years ago because you f'd up and submerged it in water for a prolonged period of time, resulting in condensation on the inside? Screw off.

And no, for the 100th time, the coupon does NOT work on jewelry and watches. There is this damned difficult Indian lady who works at a perfume kiosk in the mall. Every time we have a Red Apple Sale she comes in there a day or two before to ask what is going to be on sale, at what discount, and whether or not she can use the coupon in the paper. Sometimes it does not exclude jewelry, most of the time it does. Either way, read the damn exclusions on the coupons! So she'll ask me if she can use the coupon, I'll tell her no, and she'll keep asking me, maybe expecting me to slip up and say yes, and therefore have to honor it...?

Also, please don't come in 10 minutes before the store closes, with a big gang of friends, to look at a boatload of watches and get your grimey fingerprints all over the cases that I had just cleaned for closing right before you came in.

That's about it :)
I hate dirty watch faces and bands. (Sorry guys, I actually like my job, I can't bitch yet.)
Oh yeah, we have these multi-tiered plexiglass tables to display boxed jewelry on. For some reason people think they are meant to spin, which they are NOT. When you turn one of the platforms it only causes it to move away from the center of the table, meaning that if you spin it enough it will all crash to the floor. So, I've started to snap at customers a little bit for it, can't help it :p
Can you write up the people that are bitching?
If it were that easy, I wouldn't bitch about it. This is mostly stuff said behind my back. Unless it was said directly to me, or within earshot, there's nothing I can physically do.
I don't have too much to bitch about right now, but inventory is tomorrow night; which means me and the rest of the night crew stockers have to REALLY haul ass