Blabbermouth - Anthrax's Newsbreaker


Dec 16, 2002
As much as it pains me to say, over the last decade, every Anthrax related rumour over bandmembers has turned out to be true.

I remember Frank being out and with Helmet, Joey/Spitz reunion in for Bush/Rob, then Nelson in, then Bush back....... guess what. BM were the first on the scene every time. Now they're strongly suggesting Joey's back. Forget the mindless dickheads who write shit on our fave band (they're what I and most people hate about Blabbermouth), but BM has always delivered news first which has usually been on the money. Which sucks. It should be the band being up front, but I'm not going to rant on that one.

So I've drawn my own conclusion with all the current hype going on. And I'm majorly sick of the shit. Why be a loyal fan? Nothing's been returned in years.

Over, finished, gone, done, out..........see ya
So much agreed! ...but I wish, hope, pray whatever...that this time around they are wrong!
Reunion with Bellafuckingdonna was and will be a huge mistake and disappointment. "John Bush is the voice of Anthrax." - Scott Ian
What they will gain with playing with Joey? They still can't release Worship Music. I doubt Joey is able to sing over Dan's vocal lines...even if he does his absolutely best performance. C'mon Anthrax promised us a trip to Disneyland (with Bush on vocals) do we really want to end up in local playgroung (with Joseph)...I don't - so much of my loyalty!

This rumour must be just a nightmare!


Well if Joey is a part of these Big 4 shows i really hope John is still doing them too. John has said in recent interviews that he was committed to doing these Big 4 shows so its hard to tell whats going on plus i dont think Joey will stick around again after these shows so what happens then?
So much agreed! ...but I wish, hope, pray whatever...that this time around they are wrong!
Reunion with Bellafuckingdonna was and will be a huge mistake and disappointment. "John Bush is the voice of Anthrax." - Scott Ian
What they will gain with playing with Joey? They still can't release Worship Music. I doubt Joey is able to sing over Dan's vocal lines...even if he does his absolutely best performance. C'mon Anthrax promised us a trip to Disneyland (with Bush on vocals) do we really want to end up in local playgroung (with Joseph)...I don't - so much of my loyalty!

This rumour must be just a nightmare!



For me personally it's anything but a disappointment, personally for me Joey always was and will be the voice of anthrax. I saw 3 shows on the reunion tour and loved every second of it. Joey still has a great voice and there's no denying that. John also has a great voice but IMO his reach is far too limited to really be able to sing the older ANTHRAX cuts which happen to be my favourites. I saw ANTHRAX about 4-5 times with John Bush live and they were decent, but nothing more and they were down to playing 400-600 capacity clubs on the WCFYA tour (and some weren't even sold out!). Which is propbably why they started the reunion in the first place. At least here in Europe they played 1.500-2.000 capacity places again.

I agree Scott and Charlie have not treated John or Joey very well, they have shown themselves really oppertunist. there's definately not very much integrity left but I'd still go and see the classic line up lpay just because I love the music (and I also think SOWN was pretty good, saw them play on that tour)
Unfortunatly if this was just a rumor, you would think that someone in the band would have flat out debunked it already. Especially since those guys have REALLY REALLY wanted John Back. This rumor alone, even if it was just a rumor, would jeapordize their future with John Bush if someone who knew John told him or something...

So sadly I think this is based in fact. John must not have wanted to commit to as much as the band wants to do...their best bet was calling'd be too hard to find another new guy on zero notice, and they wouldn't want to cancel the Big 4 shows. Though John claimed he was committed to doing those shows, so it makes no sense unless he changed his mind.
Why he - John Bush - wouldn't want to sing those Big 4 shows? They will become historical...

I can't understand who is doing thinking for this band...:)

I am ok with it. At first I did not like the idea, but if John does not want to commit, thats cool. I would really like to hear a new album though, even though that could be a ways out now. Joey singing on new material would be cool, but they would have to write it for him obviously... Anyways I am guessing a annoucment will be coming soon... Legal stuff to work out...
Our good friend Eddie Trunk, who formulaically delivers his famous "I'm friends with such and such" before saying absolutely nothing and pretending like someone asked him is basically a bad liar and has given it away that it is happening. If it wasn't for fucking self-serving dummies like Eddie Trunk, bands would actually have secrets.
I'm not dissapointed about this possible rumor. I am however dissapointed that there aren't any stateside dates booked. I guess all the money is in Europe. Maybe a five day European getaway is in order.
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I agree Scott and Charlie have not treated John or Joey very well, they have shown themselves really oppertunist. there's definately not very much integrity left but I'd still go and see the classic line up lpay just because I love the music (and I also think SOWN was pretty good, saw them play on that tour)

Spacebeer, I hear ya about Scott & Charlie. When Joey flaked out on them after the reunion I gave the man props. Really, at this point Anthrax is fast becoming a parody of themselves whether you like JB or JB. I am holding out fo John, but am doubtful.....I think he wanted enough creative control & the abililty not to tour and I think it's too much for Scott & Charlie. Time will tell. If Joey comes back I know it will make a lot of you happy. But for me, it will be time to relegate them to "has beens".

Have a nice day.:kickass:
What song should be the theme for the Anthrax soap opera??? If this is true then I am truly done. Charlie said on his Facebook page "Wait for the result, if u hate it go ahead and Bitch, but... Give it a chance before you decide, you may like what u hear" Sorry, but if Joey is confirmed as the singer, NO THANKS!!! already gave it a chance in 2005, sucked then and I can't see it being any better now.