black & death: the top 10

Focusphere said:
Metal should be elitist. It's not an ideology that focuses on helping everyone out. You have the courage to say what is progressing and what is stagnating. Allowing weak music to become acceptable is going to hurt metal, as it already has.

Let me just say now that I am not attacking you personally in any way, shape, or form.. so if it seems that way, don't take it personally.

Shit like this is the precise reason why I am so ashamed to call myself a fan of metal, though I am by no means a "metalhead". I enjoy metal; black, speed, death, heavy, power, prog, you name it, I like it. But it seems that the metal community as a whole is more concerned with being "true" than making something that sounds good. What I have noticed, especially at these forums, is that the average metal fan thinks technical skill = good music. And though that may be fine for ones PERSONAL tastes, it is entirely possible to make good sounding music without being able to trem-pick 64th notes, or to be able to hit a kickdrum at 400 bpm. Many of the music I consider to be some of the best on the planet is either heavily programmed / synthesized or has some simple, yet elegant, guitar work.

Another thing people seem to fail to realize is that as time progresses, musical styles change. Death Metal of the mid 80s is nothing like Death Metal of today (which many "true" metal heads won't recognize as "true" Death Metal, for whatever reason). If music never progressed, we'd all still be listening to Gregorian chant on our CD players, iPods, and car stereos.

Respect for another's tastes seems to be an unheard of concept here.

Its almost as if metal has become more of a talent contest than a musical genre.

"Let me just say now that I am not attacking you personally in any way, shape, or form.. so if it seems that way, don't take it personally."

If this issue is not directed solely at me, then why quote me to begin with as you did?

"But it seems that the metal community as a whole is more concerned with being "true" than making something that sounds good."............

As it should be. Well true? True to what? "True" is different for everyone, and some people can recognize those standout bands which retain that integrity. These bands to me are true to themselves through their art, which is the most important aspect in creating art. Also, lets not forget that being "true" as you put it and "sounding good" are not naturally seperate. And what is "sounding good" exactly? By the way, progression does not necessarily mean "more technical". There are other ways to progress.

"Respect for another's tastes seems to be an unheard of concept here."

No one should fear giving their opinion. Nor should anyone feel threatened when someone says they are wrong. For me, it's not about accepting everyones opinion, because I will disagree with anyone who does not agree with me, it's very natural. But that certainly doesn't mean that I won't react respectable to the guy who disagrees with me. If the goal is to listen to what everyone has to say, than i'm there with you. But if you are getting at a general acceptance of anything "metal", than I couldn't disagree with you more.

"If music never progressed, we'd all still be listening to Gregorian chant on our CD players, iPods, and car stereos."

You seem to be relating progression with "better". This isn't necessarily better, this is simply change, for better or worse.
"True" versus "sold out"... an important distinction in our time.

However, "true" as a concept is sold out.

But to judge all who use it by the misuse of the masses is to repeat their mistake. stands the test of time; what else in metal does, besides the bands we praise?

Hails to those who get it; the rest are predictable.