"Black metal" - according to normals

The Devil's Steed said:
This is true. Speaking of black metal, what's the album on the left side of your sig? I recognize the other two, but not that one.
Mütiilation "Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul" if I'm not mistaken
This thread is totally and utterly useless as well, in my view. I don't see the point of trolls like these which, it has to be said, have been done to death already and don't amuse anybody anymore :/. State your case!
I do not believe in satan and that sort of stuff...already enough gods in the Hindu pantheon, but I like Black metal bands like Behemoth. Their music is really good and their shows even better.
The Greys said:
It's obviously a joke that is alittle old,worn out. I'm not a goth,etc.. or anything but do like some black metal cds. If you expect people to take it serious that is pretty ridiculous. It's a genre that should be mocked,joked about. Most people will not take it serious. It's not hard to understand the 'black metal' genre so that's not the problem. Someone should not be written off or called stupid if they honestly do not like the genre making fun of it. People taking it serious,being assholes,etc.. will turn people away. If you can joke coming to a realization it can not be taken seriously than someone can look at it with lower expectations. Maybe even forget about the image.

I don't think 'black metal' plays a role in metal where somone's metal credit should be written off because they pick on black metal. There is more to metal than trying to be kvlt,TROO, telling people they should get out of metal because of one closeminded genre.

Cythraul said:
Hey infoterror, you're a fucking faggot. Nobody cares about the exploits of your dumbfucked herd-mentality club, at least I hope nobody cares.

please stop it this is getting really old
black mama wanna some big iron chocolate and black daddy is doing it heavy! haha, shouldnt SUFFOCATION be counted into this? And the later SEPULTURA Line up, KSE, CRISIS or maybe SUICIDAL TENDENCISE?