Black Metal - Vocalist wanted

Ahoy lads,

I've been working on some new material over the last few days and have thrown together a quick demo recording:

I reckon it could do with some vocals, nice Drudkh / DsO / Altar of Plagues / Blut Aus Nord vibe would be great.

To the point, anyone interested in doing a collaboration PM me.
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I could try, I like it. Have any lyrics/melodies on your mind?

That would be great :)

When I was writing the music I had A combination of Drudkh, Burzum, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord and Ondskapt in mind.

If I had to pick two of those, I'd say somewhere between Drudkh and DsO.

Some of my favourite ever BM vocal performances:

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I did a very quick try for this.
Could only do a single take (neighbors sleeping), no real lyrics, far too much verb, probably on a part of the song that wasn't meant for vocals and probably not the style you're looking for anyways....

but here you go :loco:


I love it! :yow:

You've got a great vocal tone, I'd be very interested in hearing a full take, PM me and we can talk more about it :)
yeah that was pretty good actually. Anyways, I gave it a shot too, but I wouldn't vote for myself hahaha samples-stems/Vocal test.mp3 samples-stems/Vocal test 2.mp3

Edit: You could also check out my Black Metal song (although a very different type of BM): samples-stems/Trakian Forest - El Diablo Esta en Traki.mp3

Also very good :)

Thanks for taking the time to track that. You've got a strong character in those vocals.
I reckon Moschke absolutely nailed the vibe though, I've shown his take to a handful of people and the consensus is universally positive.