black metal


Nov 11, 2005
Trondheim, Norway
which black metal bands do you guys like?

lately I have been listening to these albums

gorgoroth-Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
satyricon-dark medival times

these may not really be black but anyway...:
bal sagoth-the chthonic cronicles
Enslaved, Immortal, Wolves in the Throne Room, Windir, Nockturnal Mortum, Drudkh. 3 favorites right now------- "Below the Lights"--- "Blood in our Wells"------ "At the Heart of Winter."
Powers said:

I honestly had no idea.

hmm. flagbearers of original black metal. co-leaders of the NWOBHM movement. fantastic classic metal act. essential and fantastic on all fronts...beating out just about ANY contemporary metal band...

yea, why would a musically perfect person such as NFU like venom?!?

baffling. truly...
Did you read any reviews of any of their recent gigs?

They were more or less all along the lines of "Yes they're utterlly naff and yet there is just something so fun about them".

I'm quite fan myself.
Dimmu Borgir (the two latest wagnerian albums with Nick Barker behind the drumkit)
are my favourites

Even if I discover recently that Immortal is a Bathory rip off musically but Immortal music is better written, produced and played.

In small Doses :

Emperor ( i wish their albums were better produced because the music is great )

Enslaved bores me to death. Good music to fall asleep to.

I am trying to understand Venom for ten years but the whole concept of the band doesn't make sense to me ... at all !!!

Mayhem are "News of The World" black metal to me !
Not so great musical achievements besides their drummer of course !
Speaking of Black Metal, has anyone seen a Headbanger's Journey, the documentary ?

It has two fuckin legendary Black Metal interviews.

The first one is a Mayhem interview with the singer completely loaded saying that Mayhem annihilates everything regarding metal and that fuck this fuck that if you don't agree with me bullshit with a nice norwegian accent !
Funny and Pathetic !

But the best one is from the Tr00est black metal frontman on earth I give you the man the myth : the Gorgoroth frontman ( name ?)

This guy deserves an academy award seriously !

At the question : What inspires you the most ?

Posing like a misanthropist philosopher from Wal Mart in a gloomy cave with candles ( great atmosphere !), he drinks a lap of his wine, makes a pose and then fixing the interviewer like a serial killer he answers :


Either this guy is a fuckin' lunatic or a great actor !

Classic !

clandestine blaze
forgotten woods
judas iscariot
blut aus nord