Black Sabbath Reunion 2012 Album and Tour

Honestly, I'm a noob when it comes to Sabbath, so my opinion means zilch. However, as the member of a band, I don't think it feels right that they wouldn't be willing to give him a fair share of whatever they're making. Yeah, I know he didn't contribute as much as the other members, and that happens. But at their age, and considering the fact that he's one of the founding members, I don't think that should matter. This won't be a complete Sabbath reunion without him, so why not give him a fair share? They're old men! They can't take their money with them, and at this point, they'll be making money past the point where they're dead anyway. Their kids will be fine. Give poor Bill a fair share. Let him be there with the band one last time. :(

I think there's more to it than money though. He even says that in the interview. It'll be interesting to see if any more info comes out about it...
Honestly, I'm a noob when it comes to Sabbath, so my opinion means zilch. However, as the member of a band, I don't think it feels right that they wouldn't be willing to give him a fair share of whatever they're making. Yeah, I know he didn't contribute as much as the other members, and that happens. But at their age, and considering the fact that he's one of the founding members, I don't think that should matter. This won't be a complete Sabbath reunion without him, so why not give him a fair share? They're old men! They can't take their money with them, and at this point, they'll be making money past the point where they're dead anyway. Their kids will be fine. Give poor Bill a fair share. Let him be there with the band one last time. :(

I'm pretty sure that Bill Ward wrote a lot of the lyrics for the band. I could be wrong but I think I remember reading about it.
Ahhhh right. I just knew it was not Ozzy. Do you think most people assume the singer is the one who writes lyrics?

I think most always assume that, though maybe not so much on this forum. I remember years ago when I first got into Dream Theater, I was surprised when Labrie hardly ever wrote lyrics for a song.
Ahhhh right. I just knew it was not Ozzy. Do you think most people assume the singer is the one who writes lyrics?

Unfortunately, we don't.

/glares at drummer

That being said, I don't think it's ALL about money. I think that's probably a big part of it, but I wonder what else they're trying to shaft him on?
Sharon Osbourne is involved. It's definitely all about the money.

Absolutely. And now the fans don't get a real reunion because they can't shell out a few bucks to the original drummer. Bullshit!

I also hate that Ozzy sued Tony Iommi for rights to the Sabbath name. Iommi kept that band going for decades, while Ozzy was busy writing songs about TV detectives and making stupid reality shows! What the hell right does he have to 50% of the band name!? Also, there's this: "Osbourne is seeking 50% ownership of the trademark, he has said that he hopes the proceedings will lead to equal ownership among the four original members"

If i was to guess reading into Bill's statement it seems he just wants fair treatment and respect. which to me is he is helping to write/arrange new material being a founding member of the band and he would like writing credit/publishing which is where Sharon will get it. Ozzy doesn't write Sabbath or Ozzy lyrics. He was lucky to find Sharon back then and to get him everything thus far. I am with Bill on this one. Sure a reunion would be great for the fans, but at the expense of him sacrificing his pride? I am happy to see that money isn't always the driving force in this industry. He should be celebrated for having a backbone.

And for the people clamoring about doing it for money. Has Bill done anything remotely close to a money grab since leaving Sabbath? I think his royalty checks over the years have kept his tank full. but we all know Sharon is all about the money but in this instance for Bill equal and fair treatment obvious means getting more money but it's about the first step which is respect of his position as drummer and founding member of Sabbath. Money is the by-product.
If i was to guess reading into Bill's statement it seems he just wants fair treatment and respect. which to me is he is helping to write/arrange new material being a founding member of the band and he would like writing credit/publishing which is where Sharon will get it. Ozzy doesn't write Sabbath or Ozzy lyrics. He was lucky to find Sharon back then and to get him everything thus far. I am with Bill on this one. Sure a reunion would be great for the fans, but at the expense of him sacrificing his pride? I am happy to see that money isn't always the driving force in this industry. He should be celebrated for having a backbone.

And for the people clamoring about doing it for money. Has Bill done anything remotely close to a money grab since leaving Sabbath? I think his royalty checks over the years have kept his tank full. but we all know Sharon is all about the money but in this instance for Bill equal and fair treatment obvious means getting more money but it's about the first step which is respect of his position as drummer and founding member of Sabbath. Money is the by-product.

That sounds about right to me. The other thing he mentioned is how he was bothered how contracts weren't being handed and signed, which I think has a lot to do with it as he wants to know what he's getting into with this reunion, which again goes back to Sharon. I would assume that Sharon isn't putting in contracts or whatever because she wants to stiff arm at least him when all is said and done.
All you can do is vote with your wallet. As much as there have been concerts I've wanted to go see, I won't have anything to do with anything that Sharon is connected with. Unfortunately, plenty of other people are willing to keep this bitch rolling in green.
All you can do is vote with your wallet. As much as there have been concerts I've wanted to go see, I won't have anything to do with anything that Sharon is connected with. Unfortunately, plenty of other people are willing to keep this bitch rolling in green.

well said, yes seeing Ozzy and Sabbath is not on my list to do ever again. I saw them on Ozzfest and was pretty unimpressed - not with the material but seeing them do it all these years later. I am sure he will be using a teleprompter as usual to read his lyrics. i am just more over Sharozzy than the rest of the guys.
From :

"According to sources, strong rumours suggest that BLACK SABBATH have replaced original drummer Bill Ward with Tommy Clufetos from the OZZY OSBOURNE band. These rumours have not been confirmed by the band or management. However fans are rallying around Ward and have launched a new Facebook page dubbed 1,000,000 Black Sabbath Fans Say Yes To Bill Ward. "

From :

"According to sources, strong rumours suggest that BLACK SABBATH have replaced original drummer Bill Ward with Tommy Clufetos from the OZZY OSBOURNE band. These rumours have not been confirmed by the band or management. However fans are rallying around Ward and have launched a new Facebook page dubbed 1,000,000 Black Sabbath Fans Say Yes To Bill Ward. "


This is getting ridiculous...Why can't they settle this down with Bill Ward, who is willing to be in that reunion? Sabbath-with-Clufetos is not the same as the original Sabbath... Get Ward back!