Black Sessions DVD

I haven't seen Riverside live, but I love 'em. One of my favourite bands. Gotta see 'em some time. I need to see Novembers Doom as well. I think headline shows are better than festival shows for these kind of bands. Katatonia and My Dying Bride are bands who should be seen in a close atmosphere rather than on an open field of drunkards. Opeth does work in fests though. Saw 'em on SwedenRock and they did well. But they are way more of a crowd-mover band than Kata or MBD of course.
I think for my demons sounds better on the dvd than on the cd. sweet nurse and burn the remembrance were well done, but i must agree that criminals was a bit lacking.
yeah criminals lacked the normal thick heaviness, don't know why
It's hard to expect a live show to have the same degree of melancholy as a studio that's just plain reality, as bands have time to produce and edit things to create whatever sound or feel they are trying to create.

I sense they played songs faster for time limit on stage maybe maybe not, I am nothing sounded very different to the original,

The crowd presence, whilst it had head bangers - kinda dead crowd, maybe just small crowd

overall i think it is an awesome DVD, better than most
So let me get this straight....this live dvd was only included with THE BLACK SESSIONS set? It probably can not be purchased seperately? :bah:

Also, was there ever a cd released of this concert? I would really like to have this full concert on cd/mp3 (since they performed songs not on LIVE CONSTERNATION). Is that a hopeless dream?
Yknow, there's this magic thing called a computer. You could try using that to make your own CD. As you always do.

Also, the black sessions have "wait outside", which is an amazing song. Burn that on your very own special version of Viva Emptiness, where it belongs.
:lol: i like to stand in the middle of the crowd away from headbanging and moshing, i understand getting into a show, it's just not for me, i like to stand back and enjoy the music
Yknow, there's this magic thing called a computer. You could try using that to make your own CD. As you always do.

Also, the black sessions have "wait outside", which is an amazing song. Burn that on your very own special version of Viva Emptiness, where it belongs.

Way ahead of you, Lisra! :rock: In fact I just recently made a 5 disc set containing ALL of Katatonia's clean vocal style songs. It's awesome to be able to listen through their entire catalogue starting at "Day" (then to "I Break") all the way through to "Sold Heart" without missing a single released song (at least not that I am aware of). :p The only song that I left off the set was "Scarlet Heavens" because it sounds nothing at all like Katatonia. I don't really like it and can live without it.

But at any rate, I wasn't asking about the cds in THE BLACK SESSIONS, only the dvd. My computer can't burn a dvd, so I wanted the audio recording of it instead. But I recently just won an auction on Ebay for this set, so I can add the dvd to my collection (although I'm kind of pissed that Amazon just today posted some new copies for less than what I paid for a used one). :yell:
True, but there are songs that I couldn't find on Youtube (unless they were under a different name besides "Black Sessions live"). I was looking for 'The Future Of Speech' and 'Evidence' (both from the same dvd) and didn't have any luck.

And thanks LovesIcyDeath, I may try that after I get the dvd. It'd be cool to be able to actually listen to the performance when I am not in the mood to watch it.