Blackstar HT5 Head - One Week Old - $300


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok so after much deliberation with friends, the wife, and re-listening to the DI's I re-amped with this i have been convinced I should keep it. The Recto Gas has me someting fierce right now, but my friend did say I could borrow his whenever I need it so that will have to do for now.

honestly once the wife got involved it has me thinking shes buying me one for Christmas

So Lasse Please Delete.

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No box ... like I said super impulse buy, got it home sounded great in the room GF tossed the box a few days later. Did a few reamps with it, then went back tot he Krank and the 5150.

If its sells it sells if it doesnt no biggie. Ill use it for cleans as the cleans sound AMAZING.
Ok so after much deliberation with friends, the wife, and re-listening to the DI's I re-amped with this i have been convinced I should keep it. The Recto Gas has me someting fierce right now, but my friend did say I could borrow his whenever I need it so that will have to do for now.

honestly once the wife got involved it has me thinking shes buying me one for Christmas

So Lasse Please Delete.