Blackwater Park


Sep 2, 2003
Long Island
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Does anyone else get huge chills at the end of Blackwater Park on the last line - "The sun sets forever over blackwater park"? I cant help but get huge chills every time I hear that line with that crazy riff in the background. Its just such an awesome ending to one of the greatest albums ever made. \m/
I'm going through the whole 'Oh my God Opeth are the best band in the world!' phase....all I've listened to for weeks is just Opeth over and over and over.... Hahaha they're so cool.

Blackwater Park was the second song I heard (after Deliverance) and I was like 'holy shit these guys are awesome they have distortion and growling as well as acoustics and actual singing!!' I tried to get all my friends into it but to no avail I guess....just too damn mainstream!

The whole song is eerie with the echoed vocals and wicked guitar's just awesome!

....sorry, this was the hardout 'opeth are so cool' newbie post but I don't really care.
Yeah thats a great, great song, though my personal favorite parts are when all the guitars a doing different riffs and its all meshing together so well. The other part I love is near the begining when theirs just like 4 bars a of a acoustic bass (or is it just a guitar) and then Mikael comes in with the "oumph". Every time I hear that part I can't help but start praising it, even if Im alone...
BLackwater86 said:
Does anyone else get huge chills at the end of Blackwater Park on the last line - "The sun sets forever over blackwater park"? I cant help but get huge chills every time I hear that line with that crazy riff in the background. Its just such an awesome ending to one of the greatest albums ever made. \m/
Yeah thats a really chilly part... the album as a whole is rather chilly.
It seems just about every Opeth song is chilling...IMO it has to do with the slight echoes on the vocals, especially in Blackwater with the eerie guitaring going on. Yeah that bit after the acoustic part where the guitar comes in and Mikael does the whole "Oooooohhh!!!!" thing is one of the coolest things I've ever heard hahaha.

Their songs are even more chilling after you read that 'Odd happenings in Opeth cover art' thread...
crimsonfloyd said:
Yeah thats a great, great song, though my personal favorite parts are when all the guitars a doing different riffs and its all meshing together so well. The other part I love is near the begining when theirs just like 4 bars a of a acoustic bass (or is it just a guitar) and then Mikael comes in with the "oumph". Every time I hear that part I can't help but start praising it, even if Im alone...

Fuckin A man! I always listen to that song and I can never get over the entire second half of that song. The vocals and screams are just the best I've ever heard from Mike and the drums just kick my ass every single time I hear it. And the solo at 7:08 is short but absolutely fuckin awesome!! !! !! !! !!
Then 7:44 acoustics return to stomp even more ass and the bass at 8:06 just rapes you! great!! I wonder if Opeth ever sit back and say,"wow...we fuckin rock it, huh?" Yay,on the chills btw.