I'd be there in a heartbeat if it I didn't need a plane ticket to get there. Looks like you have a great group going there! Hope you all have a blast and tell us all about it.well, as usual, here I am stuck with a spare ticket at the last minute.
Does anyone need a ticket, or know someone who does? I would be willing to let it go for half what I paid through TicketBastard, which was 29.50
so let's say 15 dollars and it's yours. Send me a PM if you're interested and I'll send my phone number so we can meet at the Roxy for the exchange.
This is the last year I'm worrying about anyone besides MYSELF and Patrick when it comes to concerts.
ok here's the jist.
doors 8 pm, show 9 pm.
i assume Leaves Eyes on at 9....done by 9:45...
bet the farm that the Guardian will be on by 10 pm
So typically what time has Blind Guardian gone on in other venues?
I really need to know what time they are going on so that I don't miss them.
I can't get a hold of anyone at the Roxy at all.