Blind purchases rule

Don't drink water anywhere, though I thourghly encourage using the spear and hammer on your self once for hilarious results.
toby and i most definitely spent tons of time on Shadowgate. it did have a lot of nonsense, non-intuitive solutions, but by and large it was pretty fun. i think it took us like 20 minutes just to enter the fucking castle.
Which therefore makes it appropriate that it was a "blind" purchase.

"God damn, this fire is keeping me from going anywhere. wtg am I supposed to do?? Well, I guess I might as well throw this jewel off this here bridge. Whoa, what the...!"
i can honestly say Shadowgate made me a better game-master for stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, because i ALWAYS put clues and hints after becoming so frustrated at the utter lack of them in Shadowgate.
Shadowgate ruled. The 3rd person action/adventure sequel, Beyond Shadowgate, was infinitely better, but since it was on the TurboGrafx only myself and about 6 other people even heard of it.