Bloodbath doing 5 festivals this summer

They fucking rule! \m/

Death to Britney Spears, kill the little slut!
Kill Madonna too and then fuck her in the butt!
Fuck Mariah Carey, death to Sheryl Crowe
They can kiss each other on their camel toe
50 Cent's a fag, so is Kanye West
Shooting hot sperm on each others' CHEEEEESST!

Thing is, they might be a parody/comedy band, but they just write damn good songs. They manage to nail each cliche so perfectly. And also the whole performance of the band is great, the guy has a great voice, they have a great lead-guitarplayer (the guy toured with Rob Halford) and the rhythm section is damn solid as well. It's a perfect combination of fun and good/catchy music. Seeing them live must be awesome :)

For example the song "Party All Day (Fuck All Night)", they nailed the Bon Jovi sound so perfectly you'd swear you were listening to the real thing (until you read the lyrics ;)).
Bloodbath and Hypocrisy are both playing on 3rd of July at Tuska festival in Helsinki, Finland.
What do you think the chances are that Peter Tägtgren will join Bloodbath and do a song from Nightmares Made Flesh like Cancer of the Soul, Brave New Hell or Eaten?
I HAVE MY ONE-DAY TICKET TO HELLFEST IN MY HAND!!! (it's 3 days but i only need 1)

Dying Fetus, Nile, Suffocation, Bloodbath and Behemoth on June 20! it'll be the most metal day of my life!
