Bloodbath Fans


I did not want to start a new thread for this question. so I picked this thread.

can someone tell me why there are two covers for




thanks in advance.
Axes drumming on the EP is a little too much for me. He truly is an amazing drummer but I feel like he over does it a lot, even on the new Opeth album. Too much blastbeats and gigantic fills, wheres the groove like the old stuff? But it does fit the music, I think the guitars have gotten heavier and more complex so obviously the drums should follow. I guess I'm just a fan of more held back type drumming, maybe thats why I listen to Discouraged Ones on a daily basis, plus I'm a fan of Dan Swanos drumming in Bloodbath and Katatonia. Even so I really love the new songs. The scream in "Sick Salvation" has got to be the best metal scream I've ever heard. If I feel like melting someones face, I show them the new is heavy as fuck to say the least.