BLOODBATH: New Album Title, Release Date Revealed

Morbid Angel are the undisputed kings and innovators of occult Death Metal. Sooooo many classic songs.

THANK YOU!!!! I'm sorry, but you are not a Death Metal fan if you don't like Morbid Angel...plain and simple. Abominations, Altars, Blessed, and Covenant are must have albums.

They paved the way for that Sludgy/Doomy Death Metal sound you can hear in bands like Incantation, Rigor Mortis/Immolation and even newer bands that take that sound to a new level like Drowned, Necros Christos and Father Befouled.

Hey...if someone else said that I'd say the same. I'm not here for you to like me.

:rolleyes: join a forum to whine against every statement that doesn't go quite your way? I was under the impression you join these things to meet people interested in the band you've chosen to chat about. But hey I'm the fake death metalhead right?

I honestly do not like you the least bit, so please refrain your fingers from directing anything my way. This is me being nice.
:rolleyes: join a forum to whine against every statement that doesn't go quite your way? I was under the impression you join these things to meet people interested in the band you've chosen to chat about. But hey I'm the fake death metalhead right?

I honestly do not like you the least bit, so please refrain your fingers from directing anything my way. This is me being nice.

I joined this forum awhile ago, probably before you even liked metal...if I have something to say, I say it...I couldn't give two shits. Sure, I've met a lot of cool people on here, you are just not one of them, so please don't try and win me over with that. I don't have to be so user friendly with everyone on this forum, if I notice a Death Metal novice I wanna test him/her...

And I don't like you either...please refrain from even replying to me...I must be wasting your precious time.
For fuck sakes, not that shit again. Make a thread dedicated to your hatred of each other and leave the page long arguments there. Damn
Morbid Angel has made so many timeless classics, wtf is on about calling them overrated? However I think most ppl like the wrong records, claiming "Altars" and "Covenant" to be the best. I'd rather go for "Blessed" "Domination" or "Formulas". Their only crap-ass album is Heretic.
Blessed and Domination are my fav but I still really like Altars. MA are definitely one of my biggest influences. First Death Metal band I ever heard!
Nothing wrong with Heretic either, really. Just awful production.
I haven't listened to Morbid that long. I got into them by first hearing Gojira and then people saying they totally rip off Morbid angel parts. I don't really care for that rip off part since Gojira still fucking annihilates :) (And they're still somewhat better than morbid/equal to morbid, IMO!)
Gotta love them wicked sludgy death metal riffs.

Well anyway, just to stay on topic, it's gonna be interesting to hear this new bloodbath material. Can't wait.
Morbid Angel was my first death metal band as well. I just remember seeing that cover for Gateways when it came out and was just grounded by it! Destroyed everything I was listening to back then.

Well to each their own, but Gojira better than Morbid Angel? Even the worst track MA has recorded is better than that bands whole discog.
I love all Morbid Angel, but Altars, Covenant, Domination and Gateways are my favourites... Suffocation, Angel of Disease, Dawn of the Angry, Ageless Still I Am... Yum.

Your fathers tried to slay me! Your brothers fell before me! Ageless, still I am!