BLOODBATH: New Album Title, Release Date Revealed

So were gonna hear some Autopsy/Nirvana 2002/Necrovore/Nihilist influences :D That's what I'd actually hope for...but crush all these new fucks anyways...please do show them what "true" death metal is about. I'm not being sarcastic in the slightest...death metal has been twisted and raped by the media and myspace whores. Let's hope for a full on brutal onslaught...the old way.
Fuckin right! True fucking death metal, cant wait! BRUTALLLL!!!!!!!! Make everything metal, blacker than the blackest black, TIMES INFINITY!
I hate this bullshit talk about "true" and "false" music.

This often comes from people who are novices to metal. I listen to a lot of old school stuff...if what Jonas is saying is what's gonna happen then I'm very excited. I will type my opinion on the matter and that's that. In no way am I trying to sound rude or "elitist", but we all come from different backgrounds so that's how it is.
This often comes from people who are novices to metal. I listen to a lot of old school stuff...if what Jonas is saying is what's gonna happen then I'm very excited. I will type my opinion on the matter and that's that. In no way am I trying to sound rude or "elitist", but we all come from different backgrounds so that's how it is.

I dont know for how long you counts as a novice but I've been listening to death metal for about 4-5 years. I just dont get why people call it "true" and "fals" there is no fals or true music. If you want to describe it why dont you just say oldschool or something like that.

I dont want to sound like a carebear but Im getting quite tierd of this "true" "fals" bs :) .
Well by novice I don't mean how long you have been listening...I mean more or less how much have you dug into the well you know the roots. If you are a modern listener only, then that's what I'd put you under...then again if you don't like the older stuff then it shouldn't matter.

And by true....I mean the true roots of the music...not "trVe" like trendy black metal warriors like to use. Like you wouldn't call Job For a Cowboy or Black Dahlia Murder "true" death metal bands...these bands are trendy and rip off sounds over and over and people eat it up. I consider that false music, false metal...a disgrace to the older bands that made this genre what it is and get overlooked or not listened to while these bands get big with their rip off music.

But...I get into this convo too much so I'll chop it here...but that's how I see it.
Should just be thankful that older bands paved the way for new types of Death Metal that relates to everyone seeking it. Let the kids have their Death Metal and we will have ours. I do not mind better bands losing to shittier bands as much as it losing to pop or anything of the sorts. I'll hear hillbilly's blasting job for a cowboy driving down the streets in their bad boy pickups but it's nicer than hearing Johnny Cash's 'through the ring of fire' one more fuckin' time.
Music itself can't really be false, but so-called "metal" can be false. If something is simply not metal but people are calling it that to sound cool or whatever then that is false. and this album will be trve and grim frostbitten satanikk erekktion ov darknez