
I think the new Bloodbath is awful. I'm trying to erase it from my memory so that Bloodbath becomes a band that can do no wrong once again.
Jinn said:
Or panzerchrist

They fucking rule!!!! They got the fastest drummer ever!!

Nah man Reno Kileriech(i think thats the name) the session drummer for dimmu-borgir. He won fastest feet in the world at some drumming comp.800 hits on the kickdrum in a minute :OMG: . That kind of speed makes your head explode.
Mikael left the band because they were finishing the US tour or something like that and he was kinda tired (remember they had almost 150 gigs, he and all the members must have been pretty exhausted)
What do you think? Peter or Mikael?
I hardly prefer Mikael, he's a great singer, Resurrection Through Carnage was the most violent record that I've ever heard. (But I love Hypocrisy and all Peter's side projects)
