Bloodstock DVD


Jun 20, 2003
So who has a copy what do they think? There are a few gigs coming up in London for 5th Man Down, 4WK and The Prophecy, this proves to be very good for me as I really like two of the three bands. I thought the DVD was really cute with some good vids and some not so good vids. Oh and I think it is really cool that panic cell have made it on to scuzz tv :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
just watched the dvd and i have to say that the british metal scence is going from strength to strength there were a few bands on there that wernt my cuppa tea some of the bands were e.g Mercury Rain, Intense,5th man down, i was also surprised by a few bands 2 Infobia and Liquid Sky i only have one problem with this realese where the hell are Power Quest they are in imho the best uk metal band out there.(well until my band realeses something lol)
The Mercury Rain video is extremely good as is the Biomechanical video. Intense, The Prophecy, and Liquid Sky are good too. Not that fussed on the others and I refuse to watch the Panic Cell videos given the fact that they are a truely awful band (Odin help us if they are the future of British metal).
I'm glad some of you like our video, it does look a bit under budget unfortunately but our wallets aren't that big .. :rolleyes: :p hopefully the song carries it and the fact that we headbanged for nearly 10 hours straight...
We're shooting a new video for Seeds of Betrayal later in the year which have a story line etc and will look a lot better (our director promises us :) ) .. some of the guys certainly on the DVD certainly invested some serious cash... might have to start robbing banks .... :cool: ;)