Bloodstockers! Who In The Hell Are You?

I purchase all my metal upholstry from Laura Ashley. The amount of repeating flowery designs they can fit on a metre squared of sumptuous fabric is positively epic!
and the linda barker collection at dfs

hurry the sale ends this sunday...

what great couches, i love bland colours ( and comfort... and true joe, laura ashley makes some exeptionally amazing METAL produts of flowery designed fabrics and such. Oh amazing greatness of flowery patterns, i plan to make a fantastic pants suit for bloodstock out of some of her silk sheets, what you think?
NAME: Patrick

AGE: 34

Began metal life as 16 yr old Dio worshipper. Fave band of all-time: HELLOWEEN.

CURRENT FAVES: Gamma Ray, Edguy, S.Arctica, COB, Sirenia, Kamelot, Sheavy.

FIRST CONCERT: Deep Purple, March '87.

BEST: Donington '87 (flying bottles of piss not withstanding).

DON'T LIKE: The media's suppression of HM - what are they afraid of? Attempts to link metal to political causes.

I've not got a scanner, so no photo. Maybe one day. Okay, I'll give you this: Av. height, shldr length brown hair, brown eyes, Thor's hammer pendant on metal occasions.


What Sort Of Metal Are You into: Loads! BLAZE , 'tallica, Goth/ harmonious stuff.... thrashy stuff also ... just cant make up my mind which is best.. depends on mood

What Do You Love In Metal: The untitedness of brothers and sisters in metal

What Do You Hate In Metal:Skate punk and wanna be 12 year olds wearing the clothes i been wearing for over ten years that always got me jeaered at in the street!

1st Ever Metal Gig: hmmm silver chair at brixton.. after that... Reading 99 and i think machine head and the middle of a mosh pit accured shortly after :p

Best Ever Metal Gig: Hmm.. Blaze big bash 2003!

if you're Metal enough you'll also include a pic of yourself.

ang on let me get a link of a pic of me and me fella ... RW
ME and some regular UM posters at the first ever Bloodstock