Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This album is finally available worldwide on Candlelight.

I absolutely urge all fans of both primitive and experimental black metal to get this. It is so good it makes my rectum bleed.

I'll review this in the near future, so you'll get more from me later. But Erik, BWD, J., and even JayKeeley will abolutley suck the hair right off my balls when they hear this.

Did you get a promo of it JayKeeley?

Good lord it is good!

Bloodstainedwalls had this in 2003 (he paid out the ass for it I'm sure), and he listed it as a top 10 of 2003. It is definitely that.

I really don't know how to describe them at this point, but my review will hopefully do them some justice.

This new one is much better than The Mystical Beast of Rebellion. It is extremely dense with atmosphere.
It's definitely one of the best BM releases in recent times, in MY honest opinion. Atmosphere isn't even the word! The guitar riffs, mostly, are super trance inducing. Songs like The Howling of God and The Procession of Dead Clowns are RIDICULOUSLY atmospheric and you'd have to have a fucking hole in your head not to enjoy. Blut Aus Nord are definitely my favorite BM band. They just keep getting better and better with every release. I really hope they continue down the path they are going.

I'm pretty confident that all the regulars on this board will join in on the circle jerk.
Nate The Great said:
Ah yes . . . it should cause fierce ejaculations for Erik. You should have a listen before you send it, JayKeeley.
Yeah, I will do. I'm listening to it right now...very creepy.

You know what this reminds me of? Remember Silence of the Lambs? If there was music to accompany Buffalo Bill's cellar dwellings, this would be it. Totally dark and claustrophobic ambience.
Let's see if too much hype killed this band's chances, I just downloaded an mp3.


This is disturbing, really like those atonal riffs. Oh shit... fuck me I'm buying this. SOLD!
You really have to hear that whole album. I think everybody that likes forward-thinking BM would love the hell out of it. It's entirely differnt than Aborym or Red Harvest, which I would consider more foward-thinking BM bands.
Their website has Inner Mental Cage on mp3, on the first listen at the quiet part when those VILE vocals come in my head nearly exploded and I rushed straight to RedStream. I'm really really looking forward to receiving this album, in a way I don't often feel about CDs much anymore.