Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

So last night I was in my hotel room, in the dark, listening to Blut Aus Nord, and man...I practically shit myself. This is the scariest record I have heard in years. Just brilliant - and I've never heard riffing like that! Anyone notice how the riffs slide all over the place so it sounds like you're being chased by a swarm of killer bees?!!

Great album - in the top 10 for sure. Actually looking forward to writing the review for this one.
Yes, there is a lot of whirlwind riffery in this release (I'm listening to it right now). BWD is right, the outro is amazing. I like how it's very serene sounding after 40 minutes of all out creepfest.

I think I made up a few words here. :Spin:
i've listened to it every night since i got it (except last night, i was drunk). i haven't listened to it in the daytime yet. i enjoy lying in my bed, closing my eyes in the dark and imagining scenes from a matheson-ian house, where things rattle in dusty chambers and "things will walk that ought to crawl". the sliding, atonal riffs sound like moaning spirits in the eaves.
Those pauses between tracks really help the scare factor, the other night I jumped several times when the blastbeats came back in full force after a few seconds of silence.

I'm sure this had nothing to do with me driving 100mph down a pitch black road with the volume cranked or anything. :dopey:
It's all set in Buffalo Bill's basement, you know. And the only escape is to jump down the dirty well.
The Blut Aus Nord Experience:

Bees chase you through the fog -> you see a light in some abandoned house -> you end up in Buffalo Bill's basement -> you jump down the well -> that dirty bitch demon from Army of Darkness (the one in the pit) is waiting for you with a spike pointed at your buttocks -> your body burns on a viking ship set sail to the open sea
Hahahahhaa cool.

Anybody ever imagine colors when listening to music? This album sounds green to me. The last album that sounded green was 'N Crugu Bradului, but whereas that was creepy dark cave with a torch green, Blut Aus Nord is like rotting corpse in the bottom of a well green instead.