Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

Yes. I aniticipate it will take the rest of the metal world a couple of years to finally start calling it a classic.

Of course I've already given it "classic" status by rating it 10/10.
I want to listen to my sample again and again, but I'm trying to refrain until I have the actual CD in my cold dead hands, or something.
Two copies showed up last night, only paid for one. Score. Initial impressions:

Very creepy, really like the use of atonal riffs. Drum machine kinda sounds out of place at times, but works pretty good anyhow, especially that one track with inhuman blastbeats. Vocals are AWESOME. There is a lot going on and this will take some time to really get into it, but I can already tell it will be worth the time to devote to it. Sounds like Negura Bunget and Watchmaker buttfucking young girls in a solid black blender of hate.
I offered it to Erik for Emperor - Prometheus, if he doesn't want it it's yours. That reminds me, I have a sealed copy of Supertramp - Breakfast in America that you NEED if you don't have it already, especially with your recent uber obsession with 70s prog.

PM me with what you have for trade. :)
I think it was re-released in 2004, originally from 2003.

If I include it in my year end list though yeah, the only real challenger for Autumn Aurora thusfar.
Another weird one is Fantomas - Delirivm Cordia, god damn it says 2003 on the back, but wasn't released in the US until 2004.

Then there's Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires which I owned back in 2003, but wasn't released in the US until last month.

I'm counting both of those for contenders at year end though, even though both were available in Europe last year. Fuck rules! :tickled:
Hmm, this and Worlds Beyond the Veil make Candlelight my All Time Favorite Label (For Today).

Drove out in the middle of nowhere tonight (in a place I once got lost and subsequently hunted by a pack of coyotes at 2am, that night ruled) blasting The Work Which Transforms God, fucking creepy. That was fun. :Smokedev: