bm or dm?

black or death?

  • bm

    Votes: 39 35.8%
  • dm

    Votes: 70 64.2%

  • Total voters
Silent Song said:
i would agree that many oppose christianity. however, many is not equal to all. there are a good number of DM bands that are pro-christian, so that would make it untrue. i don't think the basis for DM is being against christianity, i think the foundation for DM is to be in extreme or intensity of expression.

Well its debatable, Certainly if you look at the oldest DM bands then they were very very anti-religious, indeed Darkthrone cite the PC nature of a lot of DM bands as one of the reasons they didn't want to be associated with it anymore. Long story short: It used to be anti-religious and is becoming like that again.
Botfly said:
Quite honestly, neither really. Black Metal is quite a generic genre, having only to sing about how much it sucks to be an eskimo or whatever, never seeing much light etc... and what a terrific fella' satan is. Then death metal talking about how awesome it is to rape women with their brain leaking out of their head and her severed nipples glued to her eyes...

:OMG: :worship:
Botfly said:
Quite honestly, neither really. Black Metal is quite a generic genre, having only to sing about how much it sucks to be an eskimo or whatever, never seeing much light etc... and what a terrific fella' satan is. Then death metal talking about how awesome it is to rape women with their brain leaking out of their head and her severed nipples glued to her eyes... it's all the same. On top of that, the element of suprise is gone.

It's all about good ol' prog.
I love how you obviously know nothing about either
So much ignorance in this thread. If Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus come to mind when you think death metal, of course you're not going to like it or find it interesting. If you were listening to Lykathea Aflame, you probably would. Anyone who thinks that either style is getting stale needs to look harder. There's a lot of great stuff out there.
shark22 said:
Opeth ain't DM or BM. When I think DM I think Cnnibal Corpse and Dying fetus. Laugh at how stupid it is. Although I have mastered the death vocals (fun to blow off steam, but pisses off my roommates), so I'll just growl along with it and laugh in between.

How can Dying Fetus possibly be stupid?Their musicianship is utterly jawdropping,and they have interesting lyrics for a change.You are exceptionally naive to write them off in such a juvenile fashion.When you can play instruments as well as them criticise all you like.Until then,shut the fukk up.
i can't stand it when people say "omg if j00 can't play ur guitar as good as [insert musician] tehn j00 cant call him badz0r!!!11one1" can i manipulate people as well as hitler could? no. does that mean i can't criticize hitler either? shut the fuck up and sit back down.
I'm speaking of what it was created for. Pure DM bothers as does BM. I prefer a healthy dose of unpredictaility in my music. C'mon, there are always exceptions, like for Blackmetal you've got Borknagar or Vintersorg. But they are not pure Blackmetal. They incorperate different styles and whatnot. I'm saying the essence of those genres bore me.

Long live unorthodox.
long live unorthodox indeed. the original templates for the genres are growing stale, and while there are bands (bloodbath, 1349, etc) that have injected some life into them they must evolve or die. however, many bands that have branched out can be more or less lumped into one of the two, or at least have a greater number of attributes applicable to one...borknagar is more black metal, opeth are more death metal...
Botfly said:
I'm speaking of what it was created for. Pure DM bothers as does BM. I prefer a healthy dose of unpredictaility in my music. C'mon, there are always exceptions, like for Blackmetal you've got Borknagar or Vintersorg. But they are not pure Blackmetal. They incorperate different styles and whatnot. I'm saying the essence of those genres bore me.

Long live unorthodox.

man... SERIOUSLY do yourself a favor and explore further. You'll look back on this and feel pretty stupid because you really don't know much about it besides a couple of the "bigger" and more well known of the BM and DM bands. I cringe looking at things i wrote 5 years ago, because of how ignorant they were, so i suggest you get ahead of the game and don't make comments about things you're not really sure about. You made the exceptions comment, but it's gotten WAY past exceptions, whereas i'd say more bands aren't that way.
Mumblefood said:
man... SERIOUSLY do yourself a favor and explore further. You'll look back on this and feel pretty stupid because you really don't know much about it besides a couple of the "bigger" and more well known of the BM and DM bands. I cringe looking at things i wrote 5 years ago, because of how ignorant they were, so i suggest you get ahead of the game and don't make comments about things you're not really sure about. You made the exceptions comment, but it's gotten WAY past exceptions, whereas i'd say more bands aren't that way.

nononono, you don't understand. I have "Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness" and "Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse" I've heard most of older Cradle, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Satirycon, upon others, and there is nothing all that great about any of these bands. "Typical" or "true" blackmetal doesn't go "very much beyond" lighting quick up-down picking, or atmospheric chords like Immortal, and some lightly used synth for effect, and blastbeats. "true" Death metal doesn't "go much further" than recycled riffs and the primary use of power chords, shredding I've heard millions of times before, and the deep vocals get irritating when used the entire time. Typically, you don't hear anything new like an eerie 8 stringed bazuki or some blues, or even classical or folk acoustic (hence, it wouldn't even be "true" black or death metal, which is what this topic is essentially about, just plain bm or dm, no?). I've heard many upon many bands and few of them are any good. Either it's "poor musicianship, but nice try for attempting something cool" or "booooooooooring, nothing new or special." Look, sure there is slight variations to these genres for the them to essentially still be called just "Black" or "Death" metal, but both suck for essentially being the way they are.

*edit*Hmm, and it also seems my blatantly intentional ignorant assumptions doesn't get passed anyone here, do they? As Opeth fans, I'm suprised how gullible you guys are.

P.S. I forgot to mention... I AM THE POPE!!!!

Botfly said:
nononono, you don't understand. I have "Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness" and "Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse" I've heard most of older Cradle, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Satirycon, upon others, and there is nothing all that great about any of these bands. "Typical" or "true" blackmetal doesn't go "very much beyond" lighting quick up-down picking, or atmospheric chords like Immortal, and some lightly used synth for effect, and blastbeats. Typically, you don't hear anything new like an eerie 8 stringed bazuki or some blues, or even classical or folk acoustic. As with death metal, I've heard many upon many bands and few of them are any good. Either it's "poor musicianship, but nice try for attempting something cool" or "booooooooooring, nothing new or special." Look, sure there is slight variations to these genres for the them to essentially still be called just "Black" or "Death" metal, but both suck for essentially being the way they are.

Hmm, and it also seems my blatantly intentional ignorant assumptions don't get passed any of you guys, do they?

After getting over my initial speechlessness, for you to say that there's nothing all that great about Emperor...I just feel bad for you now. Maybe in time you'll learn to understand what's going on in that record, and not just hear fast guitar and blasts. And I would say that most metal bands, whether I like them or not have a level of musicianship far surpassing any other genre.
MasterOLightning said:
After getting over my initial speechlessness, for you to say that there's nothing all that great about Emperor...I just feel bad for you now. Maybe in time you'll learn to understand what's going on in that record, and not just hear fast guitar and blasts. And I would say that most metal bands, whether I like them or not have a level of musicianship far surpassing any other genre.

Look, it's definitly good for what it is, and I concur that there is a high degree of musicianship, but to tell you the truth, I don't really like bands that don't have something VERY distinct in each song, which sets all of them apart. That's why bands such as Opeth or Evergrey are so great, because their musicianship is superior (and each song written are distinct from eachother). But one thing is for certain, metal does have some of the best over-all musicianship and creativity out there.

*edit*Look, I do understand Emperor's music, the complexity of it and what not, which is why I don't like it too much. There is nothing they can do that I can't with the guitar that I already know.
Botfly said:
Look, it's definitly good for what it is, and I concur that there is a high degree of musicianship, but to tell you the truth, I don't really like bands I am better than musicianship wise. That's why bands such as Opeth or Evergrey are so great, because their musicianship is much higher (and the songs are more distinct). But one thing is for certain, metal does have some of the best over-all musicianship and creativity out there. Look, I do understand Emperor's music, which is why I don't like it much.

You remind me so very much of myself about 5 years ago... seriously. I was (and still am to a large degree) all about the progressive music. But i started to figure out that my definition of what was progressive was severely limited, and i really had no idea about all of the REALLY interestng things going on under the blanket labels of "black" and "death" metal. The bands you did mention (and i know you were giving examples of "true" bm) really aren't THAT spectacular, except for Emperor. But you should see what some of the underground black metal bands are doing these days. It's really remarkable the stuff that i almost dismissed as pretty juvenile... so glad i gave it another chance.
^You see, I completely agree with you. I'm not limited or completely closed about the genre, I just thought the topic was essentially about which style was better, the DM or BM. No mention of Techinical death/melodic metal, Symphonic Black metal, Progressive Black metal.... or absolutely any kind of added influences. Quite frankly, I don't like either too much just by itself. I prefer variations, or basterdizations and added influences to these genres though. Music becomes boring when there is a formula or little variation.