Board full of morons

NAD said:
The tense of "own" is throwing me off, I'm trying to figure out if it is supposed to signify that Tom and / or Slayer owns, or if it's more of a "hey Tom, whatcha doin'?" "Owning." Either way, it should say "owns," "owned," or even "own-o-rama."
Heh, reminds me of that Apple Computer multi-million dollar campaign of huge billboard posters and tv ads with the tagline, "Think Different". Grammatical horror it was, and of course, all ads got pulled before the year end.

Anyway, that Testament thread is heating up!!!
Oh GAWD... I read that thread earlier this morning and walked away because it was so ridiculous. What was that shit about Lars being a sellout because he sold his house to buy another shit?

Anywho, that was teh gay, but 'Gugs again proves himself to be the best mufuckin' firebrand I've ever seen. :heh:
skjfhsjhs;ohsjgsg man i'm (i don't use this word lightly) FLABBERGASTED at the utter ignorance and short-sightedness of some of those people. namely officer nice and ummm deadly embrace.... goddamn i wish i was that ignorant so that i could live in a world of bliss
NAD said:
Oh GAWD... I read that thread earlier this morning and walked away because it was so ridiculous. What was that shit about Lars being a sellout because he sold his house to buy another shit?

Anywho, that was teh gay, but 'Gugs again proves himself to be the best mufuckin' firebrand I've ever seen. :heh:
I can light fire to an ice cube in an asbestos lunchbox. :muahaha: :flame: :muahaha:
markgugs said:
It's like an entire pack of thrash metal-worshipping long-hairs wearing acid-washed jeans and wrestling sneakers.
LOL i just noticed this... I WEAR WRESTLING SHOES DAMMIT! i've never seen anyone have any one besides myself so that's pretty weird.:dopey:
just the part i quoted. i never go to the testament forum, so i have no idea what they are like. i am a bit scared of the place actually. i think testament is just an average thrash band overall, and there are many thrash bands i like more. testament has a lot of fanboys and is pretty popular for some reason, and i have a feeling they wouldn't like me too much!
markgugs said:
I realize that I just described Erik & Sorath. :D
Shit, I too was going to yell at you for that until I read this and Sorath's post below. See, there's nothing wrong with looking like a thrash metal terrorist, quite the opposite actually. Eh, I pretty much agree with everything Sorath said on this matter.
bleh, speaking of morons, how can people satand ranting the same topics over and over and OVER again in the GMD board... it makes me frustrated just reading the ever reappearing topics, dunno why i always pop in there first thing when i enter um though, must be for the same reason that i surf gore pages and similar i guess