Bob Rock/VH?

OfficerNice said:
The Roth stuff with Van Halen was really great music.
Not many rock bands are that good in their careers.
I did like some of the early Roth solo stuff but when
David Lee Roth became a charicture of himself that's when
I lost all respect for him. With the Hagar/Roth Tour and
Sammy comes out and says something like "we like go onstage
and party" or whatever and Roth says something like
"Sammy likes to have a party, well I AM THE party" I just
have to shake my head. Roth's pushing 50 and he's acting like
a jackass. I'm down with Sammy. I like his solo material much better.
And he did really good music with Van Halen. If they all reunite, Eddie
and Alex will hopefully check their egos at the door.

You summed it up for me too!
I hope the Van Hienikens check their egos at the door & swallow some damn pride & face the facts. They can't switch singers at thrid or fourth time & get the same result as they got with Hagar & with Roth. I must admit that the two Roth tracks on the Grst Hts disc were pretty good. He has lost his range, but you gotta wonder what could have been had they done a record together.
politics, politics, politics.

I may be the only fool who thinks this way but if it sounds good to me then i could care less who's sold out or who's making an ass of themself. (why else would I keep doing it time after time?) I love old school metallica, vh, and the like. New metallica is different as is vh but i still like 'em and I still love KISS no matter how ridiculous they become integrity-wise.


Don't get lost in the politics...EVERY rock star is a charicature of themself! How many times have you heard how "we finally made the album WE wanted to make" and all that jazz....or how about this one...."i really don't care if this album sells ONE copy." So why not stay in the garage? EVERY band out there wants to get at the very least some attention. How they do it varies...but I say it's all good. At the end of the day, integrity won't make you tap your's all in the groove.

And whether it's Napalm Death, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Venom, or even Cannibal Corpse, it's all just guitars and the same 12 notes.

I am hot and cold on Bob Rock. Someone said Metallica has enough artistic freedom to do what they want ? If that were the case, I would have just quit if I were Bob Rock. That crap CD sounds absolutely horrioble from what little I heard.

i agree with what ted said to a larger degree,music shouldnt be taken too seriously,and bands do want to be heard anyway they can.the whole "i dont care if no-one buys it" is bollocks.take me for example-i came across this metal forum specifically to try and promote my band,and i've just happened to stay around this old boy section cause its pretty cool and you talk about stuff i like.having said all of that though,bobrockmustdie! :Spam:
How can people blame Bob Rock for Metallica's demise? The producer is there to make the album the BAND has in mind. A producer does NOT change a band's style from heavy metal to alternative rock as Metallica did with Load, the BAND is in charge of their own destiny. Bob Rock works for the band, not the other way around.

And Bon Jovi have never claimed to be metal, they just got lumped in with the hair metal bands at the time coz they were a hard rock act with big hair. So you can't criticise them on the grounds of not being metal, so what? They are a great arena rock band. That's like saying Beethoven was a crap classical composer because he wasn't metal :lol:

Judge Bon Jovi as an arena rock band, not as a metal band and you might think of them different. Awesome songwriters, musicians and performers, one of the best rock acts of all time. And Bob Rock (along with Desmond Child & Bruce Fairbain) had a significant part in bringing out the best in them and transforming them from a great melodic hard rock band in the mid-80s to a stunning arena rock giant by the late '80s who simply could not be matched when they were at their peak.