Bodom Gauge Strings!!!! please help

Coopeh_01 said:
yet another fucking retard so what if im english you scottish TWAT! why bother posting on this thread if your not gunna bother answering the fucking question. so far iv only seen 2 sane people who arnt completly clueless.

Are you not more interested in how i managed to tell?
Coopeh_01 said:
yet another fucking retard so what if im english you scottish TWAT! why bother posting on this thread if your not gunna bother answering the fucking question. so far iv only seen 2 sane people who arnt completly clueless.

hey assfuck....The question was answerd on page 1. Learn to read.
Elysian893 said:
i use 10-60's to tune to D, real man's strings lol

Dude, you are really a tr00 pirate man.

I'm currently using 10-52, and it's making a fucking HOLE in my index finger!!! :yell:
Becaus of my 5 stringness, I go for anything I can find in a 5 string pack.

Usually jsut the cheapest, I go for a light gauge because I prefer standard turning, but I will tune down a step every so often, but usually not much below that. I can't remeber what I'm usin now becasue I buy strings less than twice a year. I went 2 years with 1 pair of Teflon (spelling) coated strings, they were great, and felt great on my fingers, but now I realize they are for wussies ahaha.

Its my opinion that if you have to tune down to sound heavy, you arn't doing it right.
Elysian893 said:
you should quit sucking alexi's dick and figure out which guage of strings you like. a guage of strings or a guitar or a certain pick won't make you play like alexi.

he probably just wants to sound like him, whats wrong with that? assumptions are for scene kids...
I'm not sure exactly what strings they use, but I'm guessing hi-beam's...the thing I am sure of, it's that they use DR's. I got my first set of DR tite-fit's a few weeks back, actually from the same store in Helsinki from where COB gets theirs :p Aanyways...I wanted to try them out as I've heard many good things about these strings, and I gotta say I love 'em! I've tried out a lot of different ones but these...hell yeah!