bodomites teasing thread


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
here is my most recent tease

bodomitereturns: ever been to california
bodomitereturns: or florida
katcchrne: no
bodomitereturns: go there
bodomitereturns: LOL
katcchrne: cant
bodomitereturns: yes u can
bodomitereturns: u have job now
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: LOL
katcchrne: no cant
bodomitereturns: yes u can
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: hahahahahhahaha
katcchrne: no way to get there
bodomitereturns: get airplane ticket
bodomitereturns: u have job
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: i haven't started my job so it doesn't count yet
bodomitereturns: start job ghet money
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: i go to goergia this july
bodomitereturns: then after u get back
bodomitereturns: get money
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: cant go
bodomitereturns: yes u can
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: lol
katcchrne: no cant
katcchrne: i dont fly
bodomitereturns: yes you do
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: LOL
katcchrne: nono i dont
bodomitereturns: okay
bodomitereturns: take bus
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: bus lol
katcchrne: all the way to cal
katcchrne: public transportation only take u so far
bodomitereturns: charter bus
bodomitereturns: get ticket
bodomitereturns: get on bus
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: no want to
bodomitereturns: yes u do
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: no dont
bodomitereturns: Bodomite says you like it so u like it
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: i go if i can drive there
bodomitereturns: I get a friend to drive you
bodomitereturns: then u
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: no i go if I can drive
bodomitereturns: get liscence
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: licence
katcchrne: i get license when i turn 17
bodomitereturns: k
bodomitereturns: when yer 17
bodomitereturns: get license
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: then got to get jeep
bodomitereturns: get jeep
bodomitereturns: GO
katcchrne: then got to get parent permission
bodomitereturns: by the time u get jeep
bodomitereturns: u be old
bodomitereturns: then u dont have to ask for permission
bodomitereturns: GO
bodomitereturns: You have much anger in you.
katcchrne: and no i get jeep as soon as i get license
bodomitereturns: ah
bodomitereturns: ok
bodomitereturns: nevermind
bodomitereturns: LOL
bodomitereturns: that was a fun rant
katcchrne: c told u i cant go
bodomitereturns: ill fig a way to get u togo
katcchrne: cant
katcchrne: no possible
bodomitereturns: bodomite says he fig a way
bodomitereturns: and hje WILL
katcchrne: he wrong
bodomitereturns: NO
bodomitereturns: BODOMITE NEVER WRONG
katcchrne: what is bodomite
bodomitereturns: me
bodomitereturns: I AM BODOMITE
katcchrne: no what is it
bodomitereturns: look at the name
bodomitereturns: what does it say
katcchrne: nothin
bodomitereturns: yes it does
bodomitereturns: it says
bodomitereturns: bodomitereturns
katcchrne: who is bodomite
bodomitereturns: me
katcchrne: is it from a movie, tv, did u make it up
bodomitereturns: you decide
katcchrne: what does it mean
bodomitereturns: what does it mean?
bodomitereturns: you tell me
bodomitereturns: so katie
bodomitereturns: what does bodomite mean?
katcchrne: i dont know
bodomitereturns: then come back laterz when you understand the logic of the universe
katcchrne: ?
bodomitereturns: hrhehehe
bodomitereturns: yer fun to confuse
katcchrne: i back an stil dont know
bodomitereturns: LOL
bodomitereturns: then you shall NEVER know
katcchrne: i would b lot easier if u just told me
bodomitereturns: you would not be able to comprehend it since you dont know the mysteries of the universe
katcchrne: so tell me anyway
bodomitereturns: no
bodomitereturns: you must earn it
katcchrne: y
bodomitereturns: there is much for you to learn young one
katcchrne: yeah an how do i do that
katcchrne: dont call me grasshopper too
bodomitereturns: you must put your leg behuind you read oink 5 times and mumble i worship the dark lord
katcchrne: and
bodomitereturns: then if you acomplish this i might tell you
katcchrne: fine now tell me
bodomitereturns: you havent completed the task my daughter
bodomitereturns: you must be like grasshopper
katcchrne: y dont know that
bodomitereturns: there is much for you to learn
katcchrne: ok i learn already so tell me
bodomitereturns: if you leanred then you can answer this question
bodomitereturns: what is the speed of a swallow
katcchrne: k
katcchrne: of what
bodomitereturns: a swallow
bodomitereturns: ya know
bodomitereturns: the animal
katcchrne: oh yeah right
bodomitereturns: i await your answer my pupil
katcchrne: give me minute
katcchrne: my computer keeps trying to freeze
katcchrne: dump popups
bodomitereturns: ah be like the grasshopper and show the pop ups you dont take crap from anyone
bodomitereturns: and kick em in the nutz
katcchrne: give me minute
katcchrne: Gotta go Thomas see you later.
bodomitereturns: very well my daughter mabye when you return you will have gained wisdom enough for me to tell you about bodomite.
haha thats got to be the dumbest conversation ive ever heard. that girl's parents are going to get her a jeep when she gets her liscence? what a wimp.