Body Worlds


Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
Just came back from it and if you didn't get a chance to see it, you should if and when it comes nearby. Unlike anything else you've seen before (unless you're a surgeon or in the field of mortuary sciences, etc.), especially when a ticket is only $20. The exhibit is relatively big with enough reading material to fill a small book between every piece or showcase there.

It was also funny to hear a mother try to explain to her 5 year old kid about cerebral cross sections as he stares at them.
I like that, too. I've been to the original "Body Worlds" years ago in Germany when it was just starting to become big.. Now we have "BODIES... the Exhibition" currently in Seattle, which is a ripp-off, but still interesting.
It makes you aware of how complex and fragile the human body is.. Definitely worth checking out.
it does smell funny, but all the hacked up chinese cadavers were pretty interesting, probably even educational if i wasnt so ripped
Yea, I saw it here in Vancouver 3 years back. Was pretty interesting.
I thought they kinda went overboard with their entire lung section being almost entirely dedicated to the detrimental effects of smoking, I mean I honestly kept asking myself for the love of methusaleh how many charred lungs and tumorous cross sections of "smoker's legs" do I have to pass through before reading something interesting already?
I never understood the anti-smoking lobby. I love how they take personal responsibility completely out of the equation and squarely blame all the tobacco companies for everything from lung cancer to the ozone layer.

People know cigarettes are harmful and if they smoke them anyway, that's their choice and their risk. It's not like Marlboro is putting Vitamin C stickers on their packs of cigarettes.
Yep, but their choice puts absolutely immense pressure on health institutions and related organisations, and it's painfully obvious people need to be practically scared into not smoking.

Further to that, tobacco companies have a long and coloured history of being nefarious bastards with lots of cash to back it up.
So we should ban smoking? Should we also ban fast food, which kills more people in America? How about driving a car, since tens of thousands of car accidents happen each year? How about alcohol and alcohol-related accidents? Should we ban that and sue Guinness, Jack Daniels, Jameson, Crown Royal, etc. because someone becomes an alcoholic and destroys his/her liver? It's all about personal responsibility. It's not the companies' fault that you got fat eating too much McDonald's or that you got lung cancer from smoking two packs a day for 50 years, or that you had complete liver failure because you became an alcoholic and can't control yourself.

I understand that the tobacco companies have always been evil bastards, but I never understood how they could be responsible for forcing someone to smoke. You're inhaling fumes into your lungs...that can't be good for you.

People here drink and smoke from an early age and continue with it all their lives, and yet we have one of the highest longevity rates in the world. It's a societal problem, not Marlboro's. "I broke my face pounding myself with your hammer product, so I'm going to sue you and denounce you because your hammer broke my face." It's ludicrous and self-inflicted. They didn't hand out cigarettes to kids in school. No one forced you to buy their product and start smoking, and now you want to sue them because you started using a harmful product and got sick? It's a cop-out for personal responsibility.

And people say, "Oh the tobacco companies swayed the people's opinion with their advertising!" Well duh! That's what advertisers are supposed to do! As long as they're not saying it's full of sunshine and Vitamin C and have the health disclaimer on it, I don't see the problem. The ONLY problem is that American consumers feel they shouldn't take any responsibility for getting sick, that it's all the cigarette companies' fault. Bullshit. Complete bullshit.
Chris you just went Dead Winter on me. :)

I get you, I'm not trying to excuse personal responsibility, rather just that in many cases the companies can and should be held responsible in some way.
Well, this is a hot-button topic for me. I still don't see how a cigarette company can be held responsible for giving you lung cancer if they didn't secretly slip you nicotine into the water, tell you cigarettes are good for you, or hold you hostage and force you to smoke.

There's this anti-smoking nazi climate in the US today and it's disturbing. No one seems to care about the most overweight country in the world driving up the cost of health care due to their disgustingly huge asses hanging over the side of McDonald's chairs, wolfing down tons of that shit every day, but HO-LY SHIT!!! Don't get caught smoking a cigarette! You'll be treated like a leper and ostracized from society by the same people whose own disease kills more people every year than smoking.
They can't be held responsible, per se, but they're hardly blameless. They have much invested in retaining the status quo, which is done by making the waters more hazy than they really should be. It's all very well harking on about personal responsibility but in a very real way millions of people are duped by smart marketing techniques and have no capacity to exercise a fully free choice.

For that, I say go after the tobacco companies. They deserve it.
I disagree. If a person is not intelligent enough to see through a simple cigarette marketing strategy and think for themselves, then they shouldn't put the blame on the cigarette companies for preying upon their lack of critical thinking. They should be less stupid. Every single company has a vested interest in the status quo; auto companies, drug companies, insurance companies, cigarette companies, banks, fast food companies, transportation companies, oil companies, defense companies, and the list goes on and on. To single out one single company who wants to prolong the status quo, as unethical as it may be, is turning a blind eye to just about every for-profit company on the face of the earth. It's ingenuous and ridiculous. The only reason people go after tobacco companies is because it affected them in some obvious way, such as making them sick. If you're going to go after one for it you have to go after all of them, but people won't do it because unless it affects them directly, they don't care. It's the pinnacle of hypocrisy.

I'm all for taking down corrupt companies and organizations, and some cigarette companies actually did do some pretty shady stuff and they've been prosecuted for it, but we can't paint them all with broad strokes and blame them for selling a product people want to buy.

If we want to make smoking illegal because it's unhealthy then that's one argument, but as long as we don't want to ban smoking we can't blame people for selling it. People want to have their cake and eat it too, which is impossible. If you smoke, you run the risk of dying and that's all there is to it. If you accept that risk then that's your decision, but don't get pissed off when you smoked for 50 years and *shockingly* get lung cancer. The fast food industry doesn't hide how fattening their food is. If you want to take that risk and eat it anyway, they'll sell it to you. But don't get pissed off when you eat McDonald's every day for 10 years and get fat and have heart disease.
I'm not saying Joe Idiot should be blaming the tobacco companies for giving him lung cancer against his will, but rather that tobacco companies as a whole have such huge sway and political power that they could do with a beating or two. I think you're arguing against a link I'm not actually making. To be clearer - I think people should be more personally responsible, BUT the tobacco companies are a bunch of shady pricks and I couldn't care less if they get smacked in the chops by a slew of anti-tobacco laws.
I'm inclined to agree, but anti-tobacco is stretching it, imo. Are we talking people who want smoking rendered illegal or people who want to limit this gargantuan political lobby that has way too much control over political decisions? I'm for the latter. What I'm saying is that I don't believe tobacco companies should be punished because of their making of a legal, though harmful product. They should be punished for trying to use their corporate power and agenda to sway or influence politics, and that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with smoking. People don't really care whether something is bad for you, though. If they did, no one would do drugs and retarded potheads wouldn't claim that marijuana is better for you than cigarettes. Dumbasses.

Either way, I don't feel bad for them.
If it comes down to whether their is some justification in people blaming tobacco companies rather than themselves for any related health problems, I'm with you - it lies entirely with the person.