Body Worlds

I have no problem with people smoking (or, by extension, any form of drug), but the way we tax cigarettes to put money into the state general fund and assorted special interest projects is criminal. The only place that money should be going is to the health care providers that have to bear the financial burden of the poor decisions of smokers down the road.
but do smokers and severely overweight people really drive up health care costs? isnt it also quite costly to have people living to 95 while taking 6 different expensive pills a day for the last 30 years, rather than having lung cancer or a stroke or something and kicking off at 65? 'everyone' gets sick and dies eventually, seems that if some people do it early its actually a savings to the system?
I dont care if people smoke, as long as I don't have to smell it.

With that being said Chris, smoking, unlike fast food, can harm a second-hand smoker (and has been proven)
so why should people who dont smoke suffer just because someone makes a shitty decision about their lungs and overall health?
I don't think we should ban cigarettes, but I am a full supporter in banning smoking in public places.
but do smokers and severely overweight people really drive up health care costs? isnt it also quite costly to have people living to 95 while taking 6 different expensive pills a day for the last 30 years, rather than having lung cancer or a stroke or something and kicking off at 65? 'everyone' gets sick and dies eventually, seems that if some people do it early its actually a savings to the system?

Well, if you support death by a mandatory age then you have an argument.
But they'd die faster in war and be less agile and effective, and we'd end up losing the battle :(
That would only apply if it was really a battle and not a fucked up exercise in futility that is going to drag on and on ad nauseum until everyone finally accepts it wasn't about liberty (for anyone) and that any positive objectives (IF they existed!) have and will never be fulfilled.

Up shot: the old folks still sound better.
So we should ban smoking? Should we also ban fast food, which kills more people in America? How about driving a car, since tens of thousands of car accidents happen each year? How about alcohol and alcohol-related accidents? Should we ban that and sue Guinness, Jack Daniels, Jameson, Crown Royal, etc. because someone becomes an alcoholic and destroys his/her liver? It's all about personal responsibility. It's not the companies' fault that you got fat eating too much McDonald's or that you got lung cancer from smoking two packs a day for 50 years, or that you had complete liver failure because you became an alcoholic and can't control yourself.

I understand that the tobacco companies have always been evil bastards, but I never understood how they could be responsible for forcing someone to smoke. You're inhaling fumes into your lungs...that can't be good for you.

People here drink and smoke from an early age and continue with it all their lives, and yet we have one of the highest longevity rates in the world. It's a societal problem, not Marlboro's. "I broke my face pounding myself with your hammer product, so I'm going to sue you and denounce you because your hammer broke my face." It's ludicrous and self-inflicted. They didn't hand out cigarettes to kids in school. No one forced you to buy their product and start smoking, and now you want to sue them because you started using a harmful product and got sick? It's a cop-out for personal responsibility.

And people say, "Oh the tobacco companies swayed the people's opinion with their advertising!" Well duh! That's what advertisers are supposed to do! As long as they're not saying it's full of sunshine and Vitamin C and have the health disclaimer on it, I don't see the problem. The ONLY problem is that American consumers feel they shouldn't take any responsibility for getting sick, that it's all the cigarette companies' fault. Bullshit. Complete bullshit.

DW, will you marry me? That was such a shot of awesome up my ass that I'm shitting devil horns right now.
I dont care if people smoke, as long as I don't have to smell it.

With that being said Chris, smoking, unlike fast food, can harm a second-hand smoker (and has been proven)
so why should people who dont smoke suffer just because someone makes a shitty decision about their lungs and overall health?
I don't think we should ban cigarettes, but I am a full supporter in banning smoking in public places.

I'm all for that. People who don't smoke shouldn't have to put up with people who do; there should be a segregated area for smokers if you're not going to make a public place smoke-free. But almost every place in the world IS like that. There is no more indoor smoking in public places unless it is a completely closed off room that has a special ventilation system, much like here.

However, if I'm walking down the street and I'm smoking, don't break my balls. We're not in a restaurant or a bar, we're walking down the street. Just because non-smokers tend to be holier-than-thou assholes doesn't give them the right to chastise smokers for smoking in a perfectly legal area. It makes me want to quit smoking by putting out my cigarettes on their eyeballs.

And morbidly obese people should be banned from going out in public for indecent exposure unless they wear clothes that don't make them look fucking disgusting. If there is a law against wearing too little clothes in public, there should be a law against looking like Jabba the Hut in your spandex.
You really have a problem with this huh?

I don't hate any individuals, exactly, but it's indicative of many of our social ills.
I'm not even a big smoker...just a casual smoker. I prefer my pipe.

I have a problem with the attitude towards smokers in the US, that's it. I'm all for barring smoking stinks up the place and is unhealthy for everyone. Non-smokers shouldn't have to deal with smokers if they don't want to. That's not fair to them and it would definitely piss me off if I had someone blowing smoke in my face all night, AND I EVEN SMOKE SOMETIMES!

I just find it ironic that while most people in the US are eating themselves to death while simultaneously dodging bullets while walking down the street, they find the time to chastise other people for smoking, especially when they come to Europe.