Bones / Superchrist - Reggies May 18th

Nope. Don't like Superchrist.

I wasn' a fan when I first saw them at Alehorn. I saw them a few more times at Red Line and they started getting tigher as a band. They finally won me over and I picked up thier stuff after they played Reggies with Desaster. I am not a fan of the early stuff. The past two albums are really good.
I wasn' a fan when I first saw them at Alehorn. I saw them a few more times at Red Line and they started getting tigher as a band. They finally won me over and I picked up thier stuff after they played Reggies with Desaster. I am not a fan of the early stuff. The past two albums are really good.

I've tried a few times but I just don't see the appeal. Do you have any tracks you'd recommend?
Still Not Drunk Enough and Piece of Ass are my favorite songs by them. Bones is fucking excellent and probably one of the best new(er) Chicago bands.

I saw them a year and a half ago and they were was so damn hot in the room that sweat was literally pouring off the bass and guitars while they were playing them like waterfalls.
it was a pretty good show last night...It was a little less crowded than I thought...later found out there was another death metal show going on across town with Funeral Nation I think. Lots of the normal folks who come to these shows were there.

OFYAKUS opened, complete crap....they played WAYYYYYY TOOOO LOONNNGGGGG!!! They were terrible....they talked to much tough guy talk between songs and just kept on playing and playing. No one was having a good time.

Sons of Famine were next.....basically it was the guys from Chicago classic death metal band Corpse Vomit. Who are also in Hell Awaits...the Chicago layer tribute band...who actually are really good. And I hate tribute acts. They played classic sounding death metal. Not a bad band...not your typical screaming and heavy stuff...very well written stuff. Just nothing that makes it stick out after watching them.

Bones were up next...most of the crowd was here for them...I would say a tad over 100 people. They came out and played a solid 40 minutes of really good heavy death metal that sounds like it was ripped out of the 80's but not being retro.

Superchrist was last...they played a variety of brand new stuff that is going to be on the new song called "spiderbite" which people were laughing about. They even had a big pit and one girl tried to stage dive but security grabbed her. Chris had the best like of thanking the security because he didn't want to end up in a Czeck prison. I still think they are a much more fun band on a smaller stage. Still always a great time though.

It was nice because the show was over at 12:45. Not the usual 2 AM crap.