Bones / Superchrist - Reggies May 18th

Really? More people went and saw Macabre for the 4th time this year over Superchrist and Bones?

Macabre draw big. Even though they play like 4 times a year. Superchrist is a band who usually at best brings between 60 to 80 people to a show. I am sure there would have been another 40 people if the other show wasnt going on. Macabre do a good job of keeping each show different. My only issue with Macabre shows is that there is no pacing with songs...they play one...stop for a few minutes. Then intro the song. Stop for a few minutes...intro the next kills any kind of energy being built up live.
OFYAKUS opened, complete crap....they played WAYYYYYY TOOOO LOONNNGGGGG!!! They were terrible....they talked to much tough guy talk between songs and just kept on playing and playing. No one was having a good time.
When my bands do a headlining show and we bring in an opener we're not familiar with, I always make a point of telling them that if they play for longer than their set times allow, I'll light them on fire. Won't stand for that shit.
When my bands do a headlining show and we bring in an opener we're not familiar with, I always make a point of telling them that if they play for longer than their set times allow, I'll light them on fire. Won't stand for that shit.

yeah I agree....the first slot should only be like 20 minutes...give a new band a shot and makes them move quick and no horsing around. This just killed me because I purposly came late to the show even hoping to miss them. I walked in missing like 4 songs and still caught 8 more.
Macabre are a great band and a lot of fun to see live, but they play so damn much where Bones plays like once a year.

this is the one thing about Chicago...never a lack of shows. Lot's of times there are a few shows happening at the same time. When Impaler played Red Line Tap they had to compete with Canibis Corpse and a few other local death metal acts at Cobra Lounge and something else at Ultra Lounge...thus having a crowd of 10 people there for Impaler. Whenever I mention that show people had no clue they were in town and pissed they missed it.