Boobies: real v. fake

Which do you prefer?

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Haha, she asked the toppings question before I got a chance to specify. I did tell her I wasn't picky with toppings though, which I'm not. It's mostly dough, cheese, and sauce anyhow, if you don't like the 2% bellpeppers just flick 'em off like boogers.

NoLordy Capone, I hope you don't mind that I saved your signature picture and emailed it to a friend for hilarity.

Disregard the "attention whore" bit, it's the rest that's relevant :) :) :)
Haha, yeah I've seen those before. It's amazing what happens when a girl enters a forum. It's even gotten to the point where I see dudes that say "everyone needs to calm down, it's just a chick, so what, blah blah blah" then two lines later "anyhow baby, if you need any help just contact me, Big Poppa Smurf."
damn, I don't read this thread and find out there is actually a hottie among us.
nice pics ;)
and she doesn't look like a Subaru driver either ... :D
Adrian said:
NoLordy Capone, I hope you don't mind that I saved your signature picture and emailed it to a friend for hilarity.
That's why I made it, to make folks laugh. You're more then welcome to it.
Are we talking


or is it something more ominous? I'm excited, and a little scared. Sorta hungry too.

yup those are devilsticks. below is my collection. the one with the tassles is a flowerstick, good for starting out, its what i started out on, some 7 years ago or so. the shiny devilsticks are made of fiberglass, the black one is solid wood and the handsticks that go with it are really slippery. that combination can be dangerous :tickled: . the rubbery handsticks with the shiny devisticks are pretty easy to keep a hold on. devilstick juggling is one thing i can actually say i'm a pro at. still trying to get chromatose into it :p

and here's some pics of me in action. my videos are better.

it does snow in texas wow!!


in this one i'm spinning the black one on one stick, so fast all you can see is the orange center of it. i can do this pretty much forever until i get tired.