At work so I can't listen but will say that you ALWAYS play it multiple times. Copy/ paste doesn't work. Nordstrom would have your head for that!
Still sounds phasy.. how close to the speaker do you have the microphone?
Yeah thats not phasing, thats the difference in tuning/tightness. Bending notes slightly off each time will sound like that.
You can't get phase issues from different takes, its caused by the same sound arriving at different mics at different times for THE SAME take.
The 57 clip is definitely not too dull.
I think that the "phasey" sound could be coming from mic placement. Are you able to post a pic of where you have the mic in relation to the speaker/ whole cab?
For what it's worth, it sounds like you're getting a really good tone in the room, just being captured....oddly.
Well.. i would move away that keyboard case.. im pretty sure thats the reason why you are having these problems.
Bouncebacks shouldnt be much of a problem when you turn that amp up anyways... ive never had any problems with it at bedroom level.