
I'm about halfway through this:


some parts have been difficult because Evola makes references to so many different traditions that I am unfamilar with, however most of the concepts I am understanding, as well as the examples which make reference to the traditions that I actually am familar with makes it easier. I think the reading would be easier if I had a more solid background in Indo-Aryan myth.
I'm on Kafka's The Trial. Interesting and at times very interesting. And the great parts are where characters start acting and behaving weird...

Few pages back it was said that A heart of Darkness is crap. It may be hard to go through but it's really good stuff. Recommended
Finished So Long and Thanks for All the Fish. Pretty cool.

Only one Hitchhiker book left to read.
I can't get beyond Chomsky's "my way or the highway" attitude to take him seriously.

Even if I do agree with him on certain things, the guy is just an utter fucking douche.
unhinged said:
just finished reading 'Them' adventures with extremists' by Jon Ronson

now I'm reading Pirates and Emporers by Noam Chomsky


probably the scariest thing I've ever read
I recomend every american to read this

Meaning that Terrorism is a real threat?
Finished the fourth Harry Pooter book today, some good shit.

Almost inspired to finish War of the Worlds since everyone says the movie sucks so much ass.