Besides the new George RR Martin which I'm pretty sure I've already raved about:
Tad Williams–Memory, Sorrow & Thorn. Pretty cool high fantasy trilogy; the best thing about it is the setting, a great reflection of Europe in the early Middle Ages. Has "stupid peasant boy becomes legendary hero" syndrome, but it's well done.
Marrion Zimmer Bradley–Firebrand. It sucks, don't read it. Shitty adaptation of the Iliad which largely consists of Cassandra the prophetess goes "WOE IS ME" while minor little enocunters like Achilles killing Hector happen offscreen. Boring.
Neil Pollack–Never Mind the Pollacks. A hysterical parody of rock and roll journalism, establishing that the eponymous main character–a figment of the similarly named author's imagination–is responsible for not only inventing rock criticism, but discovering Elvis Presley, the Rolling Stones, the Ramones, Kurt Cobain, and any number of other rock bands. Written in a ridiculously overblown style. Really damn funny.