
Stuff I've read recently:
The Dark Elf Trilogy by RA Salvatore
Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince by JK Rowling
The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands by Stephen King
Currently reading The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King
Thanatopsis: Nah, just Ubik so far. Is that the one with Lord Running Clam in it? :lol: I've been reading a lot about his life too, fascinating guy.

NJ: Those would be The Recognitions by Willam Gaddis (1954) and Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon, two novels that are surprisingly easy and fun to read, despite their reputations.
Dick Sirloin said:
Thanatopsis: Nah, just Ubik so far. Is that the one with Lord Running Clam in it? :lol: I've been reading a lot about his life too, fascinating guy.

No, that's another one. And yeah, he's an interesting guy alright. I've read that he wrote The Three Stigmata... after becoming really high and seeing the three stigmata (some teeth, a hand, and eyes) in the sky while in some field. It freaked him the fuck out so he wrote about it.

There's some good stuff about him and science fiction in general in The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of by Thomas Disch. I need to get around to reading more Dick. One of these days I'll attempt his insane Exegesis ramblings.
The Last Question by Isaac Asimov was the best stuff i've read lately. The interesting fact is that .... the story was written in the 50s, this impressed me very much.
Yeah so I haven't been reading much other than the occasional Lovecraft story and wetnap instructions as of late, but I did take care of that Les Claypool book in one fell swoop (actually maybe two, had to sleep for a few hours inbetween sessions), and I must say I was quite pleasantly surprised. Not that his lyrics haven't always moved my inner-middle-mind-testicle with delight, but I was a bit skeptical if he could keep up the funnyfunnyfunnyCREEPYreflective nature of his normal medium for a full novel. Well he did, sumbitch.

Oh yeah and I totally scored old hardcover copies of The Origin of Species and Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais a few weeks ago at a used book store up north. Cool.
The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands by Stephen King

A double hellz yeah for probably his best book and one of the best stories ever told

ahh shit: I just realized I thought you were talking about "Wizards and Glass". Ima a little tired
I just had my brother tell me how The Dark Tower ended because I thought it did nothing but go downhill. The first one was great but he took too long getting the rest of the series out. I wish he'd finished it before he'd gone senile. The last couple books sound horrendous.
Part one is brilliant. At the time, I wasn't a fan of his non-horror shit but I had it lying around and decided to read it. Awesome. I heard that a few years back he edited it and put out a newer version (the first one was written when he was 20 or some shit). I haven't read it but that sounds like a disaster.
Anyway, yeah, I thought the last few were somewhat lacking and the end? Oh man I about cried but then again how else was he going to end it?
Wizard and Glass still owns all stories.
I'm almost finished with "Wizard and Glass". Please don't ruin the end of the series for me.