
Technically not zombies. Not a bad book though. Excellent atmosphere of desolation. Then again, he's been writing for quite awhile, I hope he'd be good at that by now. :lol:

As far as reanimated corpses go, I've been reading "Frankenstein" for school. It's a very cool book. Much different than I expected. Everyone knows the general concept of it, but it seems the mainstream conception is quite different from the actual thing. I was surprised to find that the monster is actually an intelligent being. I would enjoy it even more if I didn't have to remember little shit and interrupt my reading to fill in the answers to questions along the way. I'm not very far into it yet, but it is surprisingly enjoyable thus far.
Since last posting in this thread I've read all kinds of Vonnegut and Bukowski.

My life, and therefore the world, are much better because of it.

Who's gonna be in line at midnight on July 21st for the final Harry Potter?

I am.

Gonna jerk off on some 8-year-olds.
I've decided that The Once and Future King is the greatest book ever. Starts out like a children's story written by Monty Python, and by the end it's one of the darkest, grimmest, saddest things I've ever read. The prose is fucking amazing, and of course the basic story it tells is a great one.

I've been reading a ton of different Arthurian novelizations lately, and that one pretty much shits all over the rest from an absolutely dizzying height. Otherwise, they range from the good but flawed (Marrion Zimmer Bradley, Mary Stewart) to the non-noteworthy (Jack Whyte) to the absolutely tepid and stupid (Stephen Lawhead).

So I've decided to write my own.
finished Cell. not his best.

gonna start The Club Dumas, then hit up Conan Chronicles.

while at Half Price Books, I saw many books from The Wheel of Time series. is it worth investing my time in? be truthful because it's like 56184549519 (exact number) pages long so far.

what are some other good fantasy type past/future/post apocalyptic series? (not fucking spacey sci fi nonsense)
The first few are very enjoyable but the quality of the series falls off pretty steeply after a certain point... Maybe around book 4 or 5, don't really remember. They just started getting really stagnant.
what are some other good fantasy type past/future/post apocalyptic series? (not fucking spacey sci fi nonsense)
Gotta plug Neuromancer by William Gibson. Not perfect, but pretty fucking good scifi (godfather of cyberpunk, et cetera). If you find any good post apocalyptic stuff, please post it, I've been looking for something up that alley for a while now and haven't found any that piqued my interest enough to buy.
Wheel of Time is complete shit after the first book and a half, don't bother.

Go for A Song of Ice and Fire if you haven't already; probably the best fantasy series ever written. Politics and murder and disease and moral ambiguity and incest and poison and absolutely terrible people doing horrible things to each other. This book will kick you in the balls if you grow to care about the characters too deeply, and you will like it and ask for another one.

Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy is damn good as fantasy goes, if you don't mind a protagonist who's basically a total idiot.
The first few are very enjoyable but the quality of the series falls off pretty steeply after a certain point... Maybe around book 4 or 5, don't really remember. They just started getting really stagnant.


Have you read any of the Fire and Ice series by George R.R. Martin, J? Now that's some quality fantasy. And you're missing out on a lot of great stuff by dismissing spacy sci-fi.