
im being a nerd and reading the Conan Chronicles by Robert Jordan. cheap stupid fun


for some reason i thought of that part in Barbarian where ahnuld goes "ahhh, you're all sluts!" dunno why
i just ordered Hiroo Onoda's No Surrender: My Thirty-Year War, about how the author spent 29 years in the philippine jungle thinking world war II was still going on

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :rock: x235897

read this on the train ride home and back last weekend, awesome stuff. now i'm reading some book about a chick who lived in mongolia for a few years, it's decent.
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test ftw

My old man sports this shirt on what seems to be a daily basis these days:


As for what I'm reading, The Curse of Lono By: Hunter S Thompson.
Finished Shalimar The Clown (awesome), and then quickly read Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Salman Rushdie is my father!

Wading through Catch-22 inbetween other books. I enjoy it, but I can't get into it and it's taken me 3 months to read 40 pages. I think I should just put it down and tally forth with Despair by Nabokov and then some more fuck-me-he-just-died Vonnegut. Not in the write frame of mind for war-comedy I guess.
Im sure NAD would be happy to find out that I went to Borders today, read the first chapter of FURY, and bought it.

His writing style is pretty godamn grand.
I read Catch 22 so fast, probably in 2 weeks with school work. Fucking loved it.

So many great quotes I can't remember right now.
I just finished a bunch of Lovecraft and Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins. Both great books, but CMI was kind of slow at the beginning because I knew most of the material, but the end was fucking awesome.

Now I'm going to read A Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. It should only take an hour or two. Then I picked up Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins, which should be good.

Dorian have you read any Sam Harris?
How are Dan Brown's books Deception point and Digital fortress compared to Angel's & demons and The Da vinci code. I loved those books.
recent readings:

I read the first 50 pages of MASON & DIXON by Thomas Pynchon while killing some time in Barnes and Noble today and I must say I am impressed! Will likely buy this monstrosity soon.

Also I worked my way from books I-IV of THE DARK TOWER in the a mere few weeks but drat does the momentum stop there. Slowly weaseled through the first 200 pages in WIZARDS AND GLASS but it's still slow going so far!

Clive Barker's BOOKS OF BLOOD Vol. 1-3: Read the first few stories, quite grand! I like his style.

H.P. Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories: Well, yeah. hot.
reread catch-22 recently, liked it more than ever. one of the funniest books i've ever read.

also read the monkey wrench gang recently, which more or less lived up to its criticism--entertaining, good message, nothing amazing style-wise. i liked it a lot though.

currently blazing my way through lolita, i'm enthralled :kickass:
I did a search of RC for the word "books" and about a thousand entries showed up before this one, which is entitled, "Books". Jesus.
Anyway, The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. Absolutely hilarious, probably the only book I've ever read that has me laughing to the point of tears.
I'm trying to read "The Submarine Saboteurs of WW II" and I can't understand a fuck. Sometimes it sucks to be a woman...