Some of the writers of some great books imo
Isac Asimov (The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, etc etc)
Clifford D. Simak (Way Station)
Frank Herbert (Dune books)
David Eddings (The Belgariad and the Mallorean)
Jack L. Chalker (The Well of Souls books)
Joe Haldeman (The Forever War)
Stephen Donaldson (the chronicles of Thomas Covenant, first was better I thought)
Robert A. Heinlein (Starman Jones, The Star Beast, The Puppet Mastes)
Robert Silverberg (Up The Line)
I think I'm going to read the Manchurian Candidate soon...right now my reading time's filled with economics books for school,
Isac Asimov (The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, etc etc)
Clifford D. Simak (Way Station)
Frank Herbert (Dune books)
David Eddings (The Belgariad and the Mallorean)
Jack L. Chalker (The Well of Souls books)
Joe Haldeman (The Forever War)
Stephen Donaldson (the chronicles of Thomas Covenant, first was better I thought)
Robert A. Heinlein (Starman Jones, The Star Beast, The Puppet Mastes)
Robert Silverberg (Up The Line)
I think I'm going to read the Manchurian Candidate soon...right now my reading time's filled with economics books for school,