
Originally posted by SSJ4SephirothX
I'm bored too. It's like, 3:30 A.M., I slept for about a total of 17 hours yesterday and today, and I am cleaning up my hard drive. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

At least you have slept! I had to woke up at 06.00am and i went to bed at 03.00am :rolleyes:

So i'm bored and tired too....zzzz...zzz
hmm that sux. i am at home but am suposed to be getting ready to go to class right now... and will be Veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyy bored as well. :mad: and these fuckers dont let you bring/ hear any music...
Originally posted by H.P.Lovecraft
I will personally build a statue to the guy that will invent the pill that kills boredom

Well those "natural male enhancement" pills being advertised on TV recently could technically cure your boredom :D